[b]Character Name:[/b] [indent]Hekate[/indent] [b]Alias:[/b] [indent]She is known by many names and titles: Trivia (Roman Name), Cthonia, Beldam, Hag/Witch Queen, Queen of the Night, Devil’s Bride, etc.[/indent] [b]Speech Color:[/b] [indent][color=MediumPurple]MediumPurple[/color][/indent] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] [indent]Walking the Line (With a tendency to go dark)[/indent] [b]Identity:[/b] [indent]Both known and not. As a powerful witch, her form is known to change.[/indent] [b]Character Personality:[/b] [indent]She is as the gods, a fickle beast whose moods change with the wind. At any moment, she is a beautiful being who lusts for excitement, for revelry and praise. She is as her kin, those blessed with the witch-fire, a creature of the night whose deadly malice rains upon any fool who dares slight her. She is as the shadows and Others, a mysterious force who lurks at the precipice of reality. Her temper is hot like the black tar of hell, her beauty as radiant as the sun, and her mind is a place unlike any other, filled to the brim with knowledge of worlds just beyond man’s reach. Her means and motives are beyond explanation, sporadic and chaotic like her domain.[/indent] [b]Uniform/costume:[/b] [indent]Most often seen in a form befitting of her origin, Hekate dawns the image of a Greek woman, with dark hair, olive skin, and large, brown eyes. Her features are sharp, telling of her years and wisdom, yet her overall expression is youthful and unassuming. She adorns black, silken garments from eras past, covered in a shawl that flows with otherworldly grace, and fine golden bands, rings, and circlets with diamond fittings. However, as one not bound by time, she must adorn herself with clothes befitting of the modern world, still bearing her physical beauties.[/indent] [hider=Preferred Clothing][img]http://usercontent2.hubimg.com/3891443_f520.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] [indent]Hekate is a being not of this world, but one of the world Beyond. She is an Elder Spirit from the Otherworld who embodies its greatest secrets and darkest arts, those of witchcraft. Born of the Otherworld to no parents in particular, her presence was felt most heavily in Greece, where stories of her powers formed and spread, influencing literature, culture, and magical practices. To them she was a goddess, a being worthy of their praise. She was perhaps the first witch, the one who opened portals to the Otherworld, ushering spirits and demons from her realm into ours, showering the people of that era with many gifts and blessings. So vast was her sphere of influence, so great was her worship that she drew the attention of the other gods, the Athanatoi, great celestial beings from a world all their own. She was respected by them, for they knew her powers were great, and she offered respect in return, offering the gods and their children aid when it was needed. She was beloved by Zeus, who showed her many great secrets of the Athanatoi and offered her a seat among the heavens, an area over which she had no previous sway. Even as time passed, with the fall of these civilizations whom had held her so dear and the spread of Christianity across Europe, her powers were still felt. Men and women found their way to her in the Middle Ages, offering their devotion in exchange for her powers. She walked among men as peasant, merchant, and nobility alike, heading the night rides of witches across the sky. She married and courted many beings of the Otherworld, who came to be known as Devil by Christians worldwide. Even when her kin were hunted, hanged, and burned, she cast a shadow over them so that the truly guilty might be free of the inquisitor’s gaze, ensuring their safety and the damnation of the “innocent.” When the witch-hunts came to America, so did she, a night hag dressed in black who tormented Puritan hearts. She is a being of magic, a witch by name and trade, and while not patron to all, she is their predecessor, and she is the most powerful among them.[/indent] [b]Hero Type:[/b] [indent]Mystic / Supernatural[/indent] [b]Power Level:[/b] [indent]World Level[/indent] [b]Powers:[/b][list] [*][i]Witchcraft:[/i] Hekate’s is a more powerful Craft, for she need not channel another being’s power, she may channel powers directly from herself and the Otherworld. [*][i]Teleportation/Manifestation:[/i] As a being of the Otherworld, Hekate can manifest her consciousness wherever she pleases and can freely travel between worlds. [*][i]Immortality:[/i] Ageless beauty, timelessness, and the ability to reform her body. If destroyed, her being returns to the Otherworld, where it is reborn. [*][i]Shape-Shifting:[/i] Capable of taking on the forms of animals and men alike. [*][i]Power Transferal:[/i] As a spirit of the Otherworld and a being of magic, Hekate possesses the ability to grant mortal beings mystical powers, creating a link or contract with them that may not be severed, not even by Hekate. [/list] [b]Attributes:[/b][list] [*][i]Strength Level:[/i] 50 [*][i]Speed/Reaction Timing Level:[/i] 70 [*][i]Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort:[/i] 5 hours [*][i]Agility:[/i] 10X [*][i]Intelligence:[/i] Genius with respect to occult knowledge. Nearly so with respect to all other things except technology. [*][i]Fighting Skill:[/i] Trained [/list] [b]Resources:[/b] [indent]Large / Extreme[/indent] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [indent]Despite her association with them, Hekate is not a member of the Athanatoi and has certain weaknesses tied to her spiritual nature. Her powers are capable of being warded against, though the number of practitioners required to combat her magic number in the hundreds. Though immortal, she is not invincible and can be defeated in close combat with some effort. Her presence is easily felt unless glamoured, making it easy to spot her/track her in this plane. She is also bound by her word, meaning she cannot break contracts with others, though she does find sneaky ways around them. It is also possible to summon her, but a normal summons can be ignored.[/indent] [b]Supporting Characters:[/b] [indent][i]The Athanatoi:[/i] Though her contact with them has waned over the centuries since their departure from Earth, she still has the means to council with them should the need arise. [i]Circe:[/i] A powerful sorceress from Greek myth, daughter of Helios, aunt of Medea, and mother to three sons by Odysseus. Circe, at one point in time, called Hekate her patron, and like the goddess, possesses great powers that keep her from aging. She is stationed on the mythic island of Aeaea, whose whereabouts are unknown and believed to be shielded from mortal eyes.[/indent]