[quote=@Ellri] We have spotted you, lurking [@Mifuyne]... Hai. [/quote] Damn it! I've been made! :P I was wondering if there's room for someone who is neither Jedi or Sith...I have a character from a dead SW RP (died before I could even post anything :( ). I'd like to bring him over. I think the timeline matches--roughly, but he's neither Jedi nor Sith (his parents were Sith though). If you like, I can show you the CS--unmodified? [quote=@Fallenreaper] [@Mifuyne] Hi, I see you lurking there. If you're curious, interested or just passing through, don't be afraid to say hi at least! We're a friendly bunch. XD [/quote] Hellos xD I was posting when you posted :P