[quote=@Mifuyne] Damn it! I've been made! :P I was wondering if there's room for someone who is neither Jedi or Sith...I have a character from a dead SW RP (died before I could even post anything :( ). I'd like to bring him over. I think the timeline matches--roughly, but he's neither Jedi nor Sith (his parents were Sith though). If you like, I can show you the CS--unmodified? [/quote] Currently we strongly rather have him be either Jedi or Sith, his parents being Sith would make him automatically follow the Sith side of things (that also doesn't make him evil by default mind you. Jayda is aligned with Sish, who's a Sith, and technically a Sith because of association. However, the Jedi might and GMs define her as a light force user despite of this because she's not fully turned or tapped into the Dark side of things...yet.) So being a Jedi or Sith doesn't mean good or evil, but merely who your PC is allied with at the present. This can always change down the storyline mind you. Knowing that, are you still interested and willing to tweak the PC to fit the setting?