[quote=@Weird Tales] I don't like dating sites, it just doesn't seem natural [/quote] As Hitler-y a thing it is to say, some people just aren't in a position where relationships come naturally. People have to find their niche, and when that niche isn't in real life, you don't just give up when alternatives are available. I mean, you can try to pretend you're above it, but if you're getting rejected or can't bring yourself to do things any other way, you're probably the only person who thinks that. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] I love how everyone in this thread knows what dating websites are and how they are used but would swear theyve never used one. "I made a Tinder profile for a joke, but I didn't take it seriously" [/quote] I'm very familiar with the [i]idea[/i] of dating sites, from the media, but I'm not exactly sure how they work. Kind of been assuming they're forums with amazon-style suggestions on the side until now. I guess Tinder is some sort of profile-browser, based on what I've heard on Game Grumps... I can't help but feel like that undermines my credibility somehow, even though I haven't said too much about dating sites.