[quote=Turtlicious] lolI don't understand why they couldn't upgrade, especially if it was as swanky as mdk is making it sound. Couldn't they have done a donation drive to renovate everything? [/quote] Money. The act was passed in 2007, two years after the the chlorine pumps started really showing their age. But by the time you had enough money to upgrade the pumps, you had to upgrade *everything*, or lose your grandfathered status and get shut down. They ran the pool at a loss for a while because it brought the community in and filled the clubhouse, which was good for the golf side, but it was never sustainable without I guess about $200k lying around to blow. They might've spent half that on upkeep in the meantime -- guess they could've shut down for a few years and saved up, or maybe that's what they're doing now? Whatever.