[center][h2]James Hunt|Outside the Dome[/h2][/center] [center][@Raijinslayer][@Prince of Seraphs][@Natsume Honnaji][@Expolar][@Crimson Raven][@Silvan Haven][/center] After the event became clear that it would be a free for all, James had left the stands, realizing he had another sparring session with Cody and that he owed him some additional lessons on maneuvering around an opponent's defenses. And so, with a plan of action in mind, he set out to find the young and aspiring swordsman. He had started at the hotel, which had been a dead end, unsurprisingly. Only a couple of the guild had stayed behind for the day, one not feeling well and the other taking a break from all the noise. So with no other option, he set off into the city to look around. His search would have taken hours if there hadn't been a large crowd of people, mages and normal people alike, fleeing from one direction in particular. After finally managing to stop someone to ask what was going on, he got a very hurried explanation. [b]"Some giant shadow monster thing appeared, started attacking whoever it could see. A small group of mages tried fighting back, but it turned them into unconscious dummies. It kept going for a couple minutes before another group of mages showed up and trapped it. We thought it was OK, but then more of them came out of some shadow portal in the top, so we ran. Wait, you aren't go-"[/b] The man couldn't finish his question, as the paladin was already sprinting towards the location, his helmet appearing as he drew his sword and shield. The run wasn't as long as he'd thought it would be, the shadowy top of the dome come into view first and then the rest, with the rune knights all clustered around the outside trying to force their way in. He climbed a nearby roof and backed up for a running start. [color=SteelBlue][i]If the rune knights can't get through the bone, then as strong as I am, I likely won't be able to either, but that shadow for a roof? THAT I can get through. Guess now's as good a time as any. And if my hunch is right, the lad's found himself in the middle of all this trouble.[/i][/color] Taking a running stance, he sprints for the edge of the roof and jumps, bringing his sword straight up and being carried up and above the doom before coming straight down. [color=SteelBlue]"Holy Landfall!"[/color] The holy magic surrounded him and burned a hole through the shadow, though it quickly sealed back up behind him as he burrowed. Upon exiting the bottom of the shadowy top, anyone below would see a golden shooting star for about ten seconds before it impacted, a wave of holy energy spreading out in a twenty foot radius that damages the top layer of the secondary dome. Standing, he looks down and growls, realizing that it would never be so easy when dealing with the undead. Pulling back his sword, he feeds his holy magic into it and begins hammering away at it, aiming to bash his way inside. [center][h2]Damian Gerard|Ramen Restaurant[/h2][/center] [center][@Lmpkio][/center] Damian growled, the topic of the Argus and his attempt to take out his guild member starting to get to him. [color=FireBrick]"I can live with a prank, Samir. The amount of power he poured into that attack? It had the potential to kill her and if he wants to pull that kind of stunt again, I'll make sure he doesn't get out of it again."[/color] Realizing what he'd just said, he takes a deep breath and calms himself. [color=FireBrick]"Sorry about that, guess I still let the soldier in me do the talking on occasion."[/color] [center][h2]Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Hotel[/h2][/center] [center][@Caits][@Jangel13][@Amaya Yashia][@Joshua Tamashii][/center] Jack could understand where Jamie was coming from trying to stop the fighting, but that route had already gotten the guild master no where fast. [color=Turquoise]"She has no interest in what Jackie would want, otherwise I doubt we would be in this position. That said, I am still willing to give you a chance to walk away before it gets bad for everyone."[/color]