Ditch looked up from the switchboard as a new person entered. Raven Tale, and a story beast of hers. Ditch didn't seem to be very on guard, if anything, perhaps a little bit excited. [i]"Before me? Who are you?"[/i] Assuming that she was speaking about Ditch, they leaned forward over the railing, preparing to speak, when Omega entered. [i]"Strange, there’s another us, wonder where Ditch is."[/i] Ditch laughed, voice twisted by the audio editing software. [b]"I didn't know people in our line of work could be so blind!"[/b] They snorted, crossing their arms on the railing. Of course, no one could see Ditch's face, but they sounded quite giddy. [i]"Ditch." [/i]Ditch's head turned towards Levi's voice. Then they gave a small wave, fingers wiggling and all. [i]"Why did you summon me here, and how did you get ahold of my address."[/i] [b]"No need to be so bitter."[/b] Ditch said lightly. [b]"You read the text, you know what you're here for. And please. Everything's available nowadays, no matter if you've spoken it or not."[/b] It was then that Reaper decided to appear right beside Ditch, who did not so much as even flinch. [b]"A bit of a bad idea to stand up here with me. Quite unstable, this thing is."[/b] Ditch said casually. [b]"And my, do you have patience. You've been outside for quite some time."[/b] Ditch let that little piece of information sink in before they picked up the backpack laying on the floor and swung it over their shoulder. Ditch climbed onto the railing and sat down without a second thought. Of course, the dingy little platform swung quite harshly, creaking it's protest, but Ditch paid it no mind. They surveyed the room before bring a hand to their face and pulling off the mask. [hider][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/c1/85/f0/c185f0255990b83096b5fbc7d8ef9d05.jpg[/img][/hider] [b] "Here you are. A sign of peace. I've never revealed my face along with my vigilante identity for anyone, so I do hope I have your attention now."[/b] The audio muffler was most likely a part of the mask, because now Ditch's real voice was heard. Girlish and feminine, bubbly but almost mysterious. With that said and done, Ditch jumped off the railing of the platform, landing expertly on the stage with a satisfying [i]thump[/i]. [b] "I've called quite a few more vigilantes here, I'd like to wait until they arrive before I start ranting."[/b] Ditch sat down on the edge of the stage and pulled back her black hoodie, long blonde hair falling out. [b]"I'll take some questions. I'm sure you've got them."[/b] Ditch took a brief look at her watch before returning her gaze to those in front of her.