[center][b][color=92278f]Turn Back[/color][/b][/center] Jason Graves stared at his phone in surprise. Firstly, Ditch had contacted him. Secondly... Ditch knew who he was. He or she seemed to know everything about Jason. Third... Ditch wanted a meeting. Something was brewing, something even bigger than he'd suspected. Turn Back hadn't gone up against many superpowered villains, he mostly hunted muggers and thieves... But maybe this was his chance to make the world safer on a bigger scale... [center]----------------------------[/center] Turn Back pulled his bandanna up over his mouth, the black fabric blending in with the rest of his dark clothes. The vigilante was a few minutes late, but he refused to enter the abandoned building before making sure there wasn't an ambush waiting. He saw a few familiar faces enter the building, more vigilantes with some weight behind them. He followed behind a moment later, making sure his folding staff was clutched tightly in his hand. He threw the door open, confident that he wouldn't be walking into a trap. Unfortunately, it seemed he was late to the party. There was a woman on the stage, nobody he knew. Looking around he noticed close to half a dozen other vigilantes paying very close attention to her. She was asking for question. Turn Back raised his hand and cleared his throat. [color=92278f]"Um yes, sorry to be behind the curve, but I missed a big reveal here. Are you Ditch?"[/color]