Girard sat comfortably in his apartment contemplating one or two targets he could hit. He made a few adjustments among his newly made grenades which he had just finished preparing in anticipation when he heard his phone vibrate from the other side of his couch. He picked the device up curiously, he wasn't expecting a call any time today, having a look at the message he just got which had him place the last grenade in a row while he read about himself and the offer from Ditch. Honestly it could have been a trap despite hearing the message earlier as clear as day from Ditch who seemed vehement about dealing with this Umbra character. Sure he had thought about going after the bastard himself but hearing that the criminal managed to capture one of the better vigilantes in Millennium City even the mighty Tank was hesitant. The Word mighty made him smile slightly at the thought of people talking about him like he was some kind of big shot and maybe he was, big at the very least but he wasn't the only sheriff in town and never forgot it. He tensed up ever so slightly at the meeting place in Racket Ave. which pique even some suspicion in him. Honestly it was a perfect place to meet in secret because no one smart would go into an abandoned junkie filled area that reeked to high heaven if they had the choice. However, it hardly made it any more appealing for the big man who had an idea about how to go about this meeting or how to enter it at least. It took a few moments to get set up in his gear, he also packed a couple surprises in case it was an unpleasant trap which could clear a room nicely, before heading out into the night. There really was nothing about this meeting that made him want to rush so he would take some time and maybe take out a small robbery on the way if he saw one. [hr] Tank made his way to visual distance of the rather large building they were supposedly meeting in which made him like the area even less. It was an old theater his the design was right or a very fucked up warehouse, either way it had only one main entrance which was partially open suggesting people were already inside. [i]They really just left the door open? I mean its only a bit but seriously?[/i] Girard thought with some exasperation. The big man opted to go around back of the building to see if he could find another way in besides the front door, one that would fit him preferably. Though he could make one if necessary and honestly with the building in the state it was it would take little effort not to mention it would surprise the shit out of whoever was inside. This sort of meeting never really happened among the crime fighters so if it had maybe he wouldn't have been so cautious or paranoid really about. It wasn't like he always deigned to work alone or by himself when working together could produce impressive results more so than by himself. He also knew he was so stealthy it would take a blind, deaf, and no touch sensitivity stricken man to not know he was coming under the most perfect of circumstance so it was a tactic he rarely bothered with beyond staying his distance. It didn't take particularly long but he figured if the people inside were busy he would be in position while they were still preparing or to interrupt an ambush already going on. It would surprise him if someone had set up for more than one vigilante to take a fall so he was ready to back them up as well if it was the case. He found what seemed like a particularly weak portion of the back wall leading right into the center of the main room then started to back up judging how much force would be needed to go straight through it. Once he was satisfied he started a what was a jog for him slowly picking up some speed before making impact with the wall and found he overestimated what he needed. He wasn't sure exactly what he hit on the way in but it was promptly smashing and whatever ended up in his face smelled like mothballs before he felt something give way below his feet just as he got a flash of light in his face hearing something about questions. There was a moment of quiet from him as he took in the situation realizing he was waist deep into a damn stage after having run through the dark back room taking down half the curtain with him and now was getting strange looks from everyone else in the room. He recognized some off the bat and had heard of a couple others and there was one who had no mask on who he really didn't know who it was. It didn't take him long to feel like an absolute idiot because it wasn't a trap or ambush and he had just made the biggest damn fool of himself. "Well that answers my first question." Girard said from behind his helmet which he was very happy to have on at the moment. The big man proceeded to try and find a way to not completely destroy the stage while getting out of it, it was going to be a long night.