'I can't tell you everything. I didn't hear it all' Cody wished he could give Gerswhin answers, wished he could help her. He sighed softly, listening as Gerswhin cried, feeling the ache of it in his own chest, wanting to be able to reach out and offer her comfort. 'The thing is, Gerswhin. If you just got me out, and I let you. Well, j wouldn't be the person I am. It will all be okay' Sometimes to more you said something, the more you could believe it. And sometimes you didn't need to say it to believe it. Sometimes, life gave you a bad hand, but there was always a way. Without realizing it, Cody began to sing once more, his voice raw and full. The lights responded to him again, which Cody didn't notice. 'A Little bit lost and A little bit lonely A little bit cold here A little bit of fear But I Hold on Then I Feel strong Then I Know that I can Getting used to it Lit the fuse to it Like to know who I am Been talking to myself forever, yeah And how I wish I knew me better, yeah Still sitting on a shelf and never Never seen the sun shine brighter And it feels like me On a good day And it feels like me on a good day I'm a little bit hemmed in A little bit isolated A little bit hopeful A little bit calm But I Hold on Then I Feel strong Then I Know that I can Getting used to it Lit the fuse to it Like to know who I am' The words seemed to vibrate, echoing through the small cell, and Cody's voice trailed away. Cody leaned against the wall, as if he could just morph through it, to Gerswhin, to provide her comfort. [hr] There were many things agent Caits could have done. Checked up on this new doctor. Do some paper work. Check some files. Check on any number of things. Instead she sat in her office, leaning back against the wall in her chair and closed her eyes. She may have been asleep, but she wasn't. She rarely slept anymore, troubled by nightmares-memories, dreams it didn't matter. Agent Caits wanted to forget many things, but she couldn't. She didn't think anyone could, with all she had seen and done. Agent Caits was thinking. It was what she did, always trying to plan for any contingencies to a plan, or action. It didn't always work, but it made her feel better. Even slightly. There were many things that could go wrong, but they had made it this far. Sometimes faith could give you everything you needed. The main problem was the big boss. Perhaps they could figure out a way of taking him down. [hr] Continuing through the rest of the day, Agent Caits escorted Cody to his recreation, expecting him to play some more music, but when he didn't she frowned. Instead he merely sat there, doing virtually nothing. She didn't know what to do, but with the extra security on him he couldn't be left alone. Eventually she took him to have dinner, but even then he appeared quite still, as if he were saving up all his energy. Finally, admiting defeat for today, she took him back to his cell. And then she began preparing for what they were going to do tonight.