[h2][color=OrangeRed]Dawn Daniels[/color] - Secondary Necrotic Dome[/h2] [@Lunarlors34][@Natsume Honnaji][@Raijinslayer] Before Nihogg had a chance to respond to Dawn's attempt to calm him another wizard appeared in the dome apparently with the aid of transportation magic. Quickly she warped both Dawn and Cody to a place of safety or at least further away from the dark mage. Though evidently not safe enough. Tiny bone hands reached out of the ground at Nidhogg's request and started to claw at Dawn and Cody attempting to drain there magic. Though no one could see as they did this to Dawn very slowly each hand that was touching him started to steam, then to smoke and crackle though a moment later they were washed away by cleansing water without so much as a trace. Several things happened at once then, more wizards joining the party, the sound of destruction from the other side of the wall, Cody losing his precious grimoire but Dawn didn't notice any of it. The moment the hands had touched him his mind had been frozen in an intense state of primal fear. For several seconds he couldn't move but very quickly that changed. The fear warped itself into a new form, anger. Fear of death turned into outrage at the one that threatened him. In an instant Dawn's eyes changed color, gold filled the lenses of his soul and they glowed in the dark like flood lamps lighting up the space. He felt power grow inside him like a storm and in that moment he screamed. [OrangeRed]"I SAID ENOUGH!"[/color] He shouted as he fell to his knees. Then more magic than he had ever summoned before burst out of Dawn in a massive display of light and fire. It churned around him, furious in its intent. Dawn's mind was too flooded for him to know or care what had become of Cody. The flames reached higher and higher as they continued to swirl in a great inferno, they touched the top of the dome and the necrotic energies crackled as they were met with the extreme heat of the blaze. The Shadow creatures which had been quietly growing in power and number in the corners of the dome screamed at the area was flooded with deadly light. The undead caught in the torrent of enchanted flames that surrounded Dawn gave ungodly shrieks as their flesh boiled and there bones cracked from the heat. The flames swirled around Dawn like a hurricane where he sat in the eye. Dawn felt sick, he collapsed to the ground in the center of flames. There was a pressure building behind his eyes and it seemed like all his muscles were screaming out in distress as though he was Atlas lifting the sky in his arms. The flames about him felt safe but they also felt deadly. Like they were clawing at him. Demanding more and more until he had nothing left to give. Dawn couldn't see the other wizards in the dome. In fact he'd forgotten they were there as he tried to calm his stomach and avoid throwing up in the middle of the streets. [hider=Notes] The magic that Dawn accidentally set loose is a rudimentary form of a spell in his arsenal called [i]God's Wrath[/i]. Normally it is a great pillar of fire that will seek out the desired target of the summoner for a full twenty four hours after it is summoned only dissipating once it has destroyed its target. However because Dawn is extremely inexperienced with his magic the pillar that he has summoned doesn't possess the power to seek out and destroy anything. In fact it is anchored to where Dawn is kneeling. It's virtually impossible to put out without drastic measures. It would require an equal amount of magical power to dowse and given that Dawn is an A-Class wizard getting rid of it would severly drain even someone S-Class. However given the situation it will likely fail within the next few minutes as Dawn isn't looking so good. It extends around Dawn about six feet in every direction. It's as tall as the the original dome but since the smaller one is blocking its path it'll just scorch the top of the dome like when you hold a match underneath a solid surface just timesed by a thousand. (Doubt that's enough to do any significant damage to the dome but that's up to Raijinslayer) [/hider] [h2][color=SkyBlue]Elizabeth Daniels[/color] - Phoenix Wing Grand Stands[/h2] [@CirusArvennicus][@Lugubrious][@t2wave] Elizabeth shrieked as the curse worked its way into her system transforming her from the girl of eighteen that she was to a mere child. She stood much shorter but her expression hadn't changed. Something else however had, something very significant and it was a shame that her brother wouldn't be there to see what it was. Elizabeth opened her mouth and tasted the air with her tongue before for the first time in more than either years she spoke. [color=SkyBlue]"That was mean."[/color] Her voice while childlike was laced with something else, a tinge of danger, of something released from a cage. She stood staring at Nero with a fixed expression on her face. Though the change surprised her at first Elizabeth had adapted to her smaller form. For almost five feet in every direction around Elizabeth ice started to form on every surface radiating outwards from her. Even though people that stood in one place for too long would notice the substance crawling up there boots. Elizabeth spoke again and as she did so her eyes changed to a startling and unnerving color of silver with the whites of her eyes fading to midnight blue. [color=Skyblue]"You walk with death in your shadow and madness in your eyes. Your mouth speaks with laughter but your spirit with hate. Always the fool, always the clown. All the world's a stage but you've thrown away your script. The map's gone to pieces but don't tell the others. Who can know your as lost the rest. Just as common."[/color] She looked even more dangerous in a child's body. With her eyes steeped in dark and silver and ice creeping from her body. Elizabeth's madness was twin faced and Nero was about to meet the violent half.