[color=red]ScarletRain [u]Day 17 - Afternoon - Lvl 15[/u] [@Zelosse][@Tracyarmav][@BlackPanther][@Haeo] As Reaper spoke, Scarlet grew more and more irritated. Sure, they were weak now, but it honestly wouldn't take serious training for them to work together would it? The movies never worked that way. Games came easily to her; she knew that she could get used to her blind eye by the time they finished breakfast, for pete's sake! [b]"Well who died and made you captain of the party?"[/b] She asked Reaper indignantly, crossing her arms stubbornly. [b]"Look, I know it's a risk but it's one I'm willing to take. With or without help. I've never been afraid of anything in my whole life, and I'm not about to start now!"[/b] Of course, that was a blatant lie, but the last thing she wanted was to look weak in front of men who already had to save her. She was only acting like a child again, but sometimes it was just part of her nature. Reaper's gaze really did break through that wall of hers, though. Scarlet couldn't exactly just leave on her own journey when they had done so much to help her up until now. Plus, he had sort of gained a soft spot in her heart... Reaper seemed to really want to do things this way, and even if she was disagreeable he did make her second-guess herself. He seemed to be very keen at breaking through her defiant, teenage barrier. [b]"Level nine, huh..."[/b] She mumbled a bit as her gaze hesitantly shifted to Edgar. Poor guy. [i]He might be a royal pain in my ass, but he risked his life to save me against a Level 18 creature when he knew he was only level 9. I couldn't exactly force him back into combat, at this rate...[/i] She fidgeted in frustration, shifting in her seat as she tried to hold her confidence. However, she finally came around and decided that two more days couldn't hurt. Maybe nobody was at quite a high enough level to get through the dungeon safely, yet. Or maybe they wouldn't take the risk within those two days. It really wasn't that long of a time, right? [i]And if he says he can make us strong enough by then...[/i] With a big groan, Scarlet leaned back and allowed herself to slump over the back of her chair, staring up at the ceiling. [b]"Fiiiiiine! I guess we can take just a little bit of time to train..."[/b] She sat back up and looked sternly at Reaper. [b]"But [i]only[/i] two days! I can't risk someone else finding what's at the back of that gorge..."[/b] Her eyes traced slowly to the ground, once again filled with a painful expression. [i]I couldn't live like this forever...[/i] Amidst their conversation, she had not seen the return PM from her grandfather, so it was a huge surprise when he came bursting through the door. He was walking strange - as if he were frail and weak- and Scarlet could feel her face turning... well, scarlet red. [i]Oh my god... He's acting so embarrassing![/i] Immediately, she stood from her chair and clenched her fists. Just the sight of him had her fuming. [b]"G-... Grandpa?!?! What the hell?"[/b] As soon as he addressed her companions, her heart sank. She knew exactly what he was doing here, and she didn't like it. [i]Didn't I tell him to leave them alone? I meant to... Shit, they saved my life and now they have to deal with him! This is so fucking embarrassing...[/i] [b]"Look, you crazy asshole, I told you to-"[/b] Before she could finish her sentence, Dom launched himself at Reaper. Her eyes grew wide as she saw her companion fly across the room and then become tackled by the old bat. So that was why he was pretending to be frail... to harm them? Honestly, Scarlet had thought he was just trying to get in her business, but now she saw he had made assumptions about the pair of men she was with. [i]And where there's one old man, there must be...[/i] Smart came busting through the door before she could say it. [i]... two.[/i] All she could do in this moment was watch the old men in shock and horror as they suddenly trampled her friends.[/color] [hr] [color=turquoise]Cinera [u]Day 17 - Afternoon - Lvl 13[/u] [@Zelosse][@PyroDash88] Cinera's face flushed bright red at her fox friend's initial comment, as her mind struggled to think of an explanation for the sudden groping. [i]I-I was just half-asleep, still! I didn't realize! It was an accident! I didn't mean it like that...![/i] What could she say that would make the embarrassment go away? Sapphira seemed equally flustered as she answered, but her words hardly registered as Cinera struggled to regain her composure. [b]"T-That's... That's good, then. Uhm... I, I don't really know... We'll, um... find something soft, probably..."[/b] Cinera blushed even more at her mistake. [b]"SAFE! I MEAN SAFE, WE'LL FIND SOMETHING SAFE TO DO!"[/b] Sapphira suddenly got a really creepy smirk on her lips before covering her face in the most adorable way. [i]She's like a puppy...[/i] Cinera thought this without even hesitating and then smirked a little, herself. The whole situation was kind of funny, but more than anything she was glad to see her friend doing better. Even with the accidental perversion Cinera had displayed. Just then, she noticed a figure standing in the doorway and looked up to see a very [i]frozen[/i] Delcastle. She couldn't place it at first, but then she followed his eyes to Sapphira's... well... she could tell he had seen everything that had just happened. Her face immediately returned to the tomato red it had been before, and she instinctively jumped to her feet and straightened her shorts, as if she had been caught doing something wrong. Of all the people to see this accident, Delcastle was the last person who should have. It made her heart ache a little to think of all the assumptions going on in his head. He probably thought she was into girls, or maybe just... exploring? Or that she was some creepy pervert. Whatever the case, his stuttered speech said it all. [b]"U-Uhm... H-Hey..."[/b] That was all she could choke out before he left the room. Her heart sunk as he left and her eyes glanced over to Sapphira while her heart raced faster. This was bad. Really bad. It had only been an accident! As usual, Cinera propelled the situation way out of proportion and let out a groan as she sunk to the floor, now covering her own face in a manner much like Sapphira had just done. [b]"I can't believe this..."[/b] She murmured. As she pulled her hands a bit from her face, small tears could be seen in her eyes. It wasn't something to bawl over, but Cinera did not do well with misunderstandings or with embarrassment. [i]I don't think I'll ever be able to look him in the eye, again...[/i][/color]