[@Fox of Spades] hii! I'm interested and hope it's okay if I work on a character sheet too! :) Also I'd like to give my two cents as well as ask a question or two. I think the title of the RP should be "Pokepocalypse." XDD As for the "how and when we start" we could start after the calamities and our characters could be hold up in a sort of refugee village that's not been destroyed yet. Due to varying circumstances, they ended up in the same village as the Professor(s) who end up telling them what's happening and go from there. Kind of a vague idea I know, but I thought it up in like 5 seconds so that's why lol And that kind of ties in with my question: What region would be best to start in? Not that any one may be better than the other, I'm just curious if it would be best to have them all start in different regions and converge at one point and meet for the first time, or have the characters be from the same region. If done well, I think them starting in different Regions would be totally awesome. ^^