Valencia was in her apartment when she got the encrypted message from Ditch. She was very aware of this anonymous vigilante even before she became one herself. The MCPD was all over that case, trying to crack the code of the motivations and methods of them. Valencia was somewhat indifferent, she didn't feel particularly curious about Ditch or Ditch's target Umbra. But she had made a vow to herself. To take action when ever action was needed. It was like the [i][b][color=ec008c]Graffiti[/color][/b][/i] persona had already made the decision for her, it was time to be a vigilante again. Valencia finished her self made smoothie and lazily strolled towards her lockbox which held all her gear. Her special neon dye hoodie and short pants, her breathing filter bandanna, her trusty paintball gun, fully loaded and her rucksack and utility belt filled with 24 cans of assorted spray paint. She grabbed two extra orange cans for flight in each hand. The meeting spot was 25 mins away by car. But If Valencia flew there with her cans (using her own special aerial slipstream) she could get there in probably about 10 mins. [i]Okay Val, its hero time. Easy work, just stay frosty.[/i] Valencia talked herself into confidence as she climbed on her 23rd floor apartment balcony, over looking the city. She was in full costume now and had to fully assume herself as [b][i][color=ec008c]Graffiti[/color][/i][/b]. She jumped off the balcony, took a deep breath and began to press hard on each spray-can she was now in flight to [b]Racket Avenue[/b]. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Valencia never liked using the front door and [b][i][color=ec008c]Graffiti[/color][/i][/b] liked it even less. Upon circling the roof of the auditorium she decided to land near one of the skylight windows, though cloudy and grimy she could still see inside, the Vigilantes had came to meet, they were already talking to each other. Graffiti instantly recognized some of the faces. She had seen them before on police reports when she was still a cop. The first face she recognized was that of [b]Girard Babcock[/b] the physical powerhouse. The Media had started calling him tank, because of his large frame and near invulnerability. He had smashed a lot of gang activity in Valencia's district which also massively cut the drug trade which she was grateful for. There was also the man named [b]Omega[/b] the powerful gravity manipulator. The police had a close eye on him, as the FBI had requested extra surveillance based on his activity. Rumor has it that his powers have military applications. There were a few other people there who Graffiti had heard rumors about or seen the odd newspaper article on but not much more beyond that. '[i]The Blind Monster Tamer[/i]' '[i]The Teen Ghost Boy[/i]' '[i]The City Gorgon[/i]' and then she noticed one who she couldnt look away from, the one who was crackling with internal electricity, she had seen his face on a neighbourhood watch website. The title sprang to mind immediately [i]Beware the Living Conduit! May cause blackouts near your home![/i] Graffiti could no longer watch these people in curiosity, she opened up the roof window and jumped through. She fell fast like a rock, but her landing was cushioned by a controlled air pressure 'blanket' that she landed in. She turned toward the blonde girl in the dark clothes, who she assumed was the legendary ditch. [i][color=ec008c]I'm guessing you are the one who brought us here? You sure any cops didn't follow you? Theyve stepped up surveillance you know. The media wants a 'freak' or a 'mutant' in custody.[/color][/i] Graffiti turned toward the nearest wall while making very brief eye contact with the electrical vigilante and omega before breaking out some glowing pink spray paint, she began to tag the wall.... [i][b][color=ec008c]UMBRA IS FINISHED!![/color][/b][/i]