[center][img]https://meandrichard.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/robin-hood-105.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=red]Caezel Mithar[/color][/h1][/center] [color=red][b][u]Child of Desendal Mithar[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=red][b][u]Nickname:[/u] "Caez"[/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=red][b][u]Age:[/u] 2746; near the end of his life.[/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=red][b][u]Gender:[/u] Male[/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=red][b]Sexuality:[/b] Asexual; rather uninterested.[/color] [indent][/indent] [color=red][b][u]Relationship Status:[/u] Single[/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=red][b][u]Species:[/u] Vampire[/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=red][b][u]Occupation[/u] Vampire Alchemist[/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=red][b][u]Likes:[/u] Knowledge (is everything), collecting artifacts, war to sustain himself on.[/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=red][b][u]Dislikes:[/u][/b] demons (an envy thing more than anything else), anything light (weakness), the very concept of peace, anyone calling out his arrogant and somewhat hypocritical side.[/color] [indent][/indent] [color=red][b][u]Fears:[/u][/b] peace, death and demons/angels catching on to what he's up to (Oh, demon/angel characters - you didn't read that, k?). He hides them pretty well though.[/color] [indent][/indent] [hider=Weapon] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/4/4f/Bloodskal_Blade.png/revision/latest?cb=20130303234358[/img] [/hider] [color=red][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] He has a couple sides to him. The first, most well known one is his "calm" side - somewhat friendly, a relatively neutral outlook (in general), and a manner that makes him fairly well respected by beings of darkness and garnering him a little respect to the beings of light. It thus sometimes comes as a surprise to learn he is a little more hard-line about "The War" than most. A side folks don't know well about him is his "hunting" side - that which makes him a vampire. Every so often, he's gone from his library to do his vampire thing. In that "mode" he's more vicious, less calm, less civilized. He enjoys the hunt and some of his more xenophobic edges show; for example, a deep hatred of fairies and elves, more so than even others of his kind. In fact, he has a very deep hatred of anything light related. He's not too bad when he's "that way", but humans are right to fear his lack of control when he's around them and hunting. At the core, a side relatively unseen to him by others save for those who have truly known him over the years, is a deep xenophobic hatred of light, peace and anything that he finds weak. He has an envy for demons; and his fears are somewhat demonstrated by his great aversion to anything that would see them come about. He's petty like that and would do everything he can, including backstabbing "friends" and manipulating others for his own purposes. A few demons and others over the ages have seen this side of him, but it's relatively unknown, shrouded by the illusion he has created of himself.[/color] [color=red][b][u]History:[/u][/b] Born before the War itself, Caezel is a vampire of long history that took up the mantle his father had of lorekeeper and favored by the demonic king before he was involved in a scandal that took him from favor some 2500 years ago. Demons remember his fall all too vividly, though most other beings of the dark barely even know it was Caezel who was involved in that scandal. Nonetheless, the memory put him out for a long time and resulted in him getting the first parts of his bitter side. He found some comfort in the collection of knowledge, books and spells. Years in the art have seen him rise in a different way; even now, many come to him to gain knowledge of certain specific spells or to take advantage of the respected demonic library he is caretaker of (he doesn't actually own it... though you wouldn't tell). Over 1000 years or so he considered the possibility of being something... more. More than just a vampire in a top down structure. Of course, to think such things would be to disturb the very peace of the order in the world, and result in his untimely death for going after such dangerous spells of advancement. But he did do some experiments, and kept them relatively secret. A close call saw him destroy all the evidence, though, before he could advance too far. Certain demons still suspect him, as does anyone over 1000 years old - the deep rumor of his attempts made way even to the light side. But nothing was proven, and again he went under the radar maintaining lore and spells. He moved into the field of alchemy when he was 1700 years old, becoming quite proficient in that field and gaining a reputation doing that... and it helped he changed a few things about him to get a fresh start, as anyone of older age still suspected him of things. When the war began, he saw a chance for a completely new line of thought: gain a reputation in war. That went... somewhat poorly. His alchemy helped, but in the ranks of vampires, he isn't actually all that strong. Strong elves could outdo him. He dropped out of "the line" and important raids before his reputation could be tarnished (too badly, anyways... and he still got a reputation for being a crappy fighter). He went back to alchemy, did a pretty good job, set up shop not far from the border and took a "side job" of killing humans to feed himself. Of course, that's probably not all he's doing, and both demons and angels get a bad feeling about him every time they think of him. But there's no evidence to really connect him to anything, and he provides decent potions, so they don't mind him... that much. Anyone over 300 years old has probably heard of his "battle exploits", and he gets rather pissed off at anyone who does reference them; although, to be fair, the past couple hundred years he's gotten better (could actually be a benefit; his battle reputation is such that he would probably win by the other side underestimating him). He's old, though... very old, and his movements aren't as fast as a regular vampire, nor is his healing (though he controls his hunger very well when he wants to). He's not "drop dead this year old", but in the grand age of vampires, he hasn't really done much noteworthy, and he won't be around in 10 years. Unless, of course... he makes a breakthrough... but what's the chance of that? Right? No vampire can actually become a demon.[/color] [indent][/indent] [color=red][b][u]Extra[/u][/b] He's a little desperate at this point as he does not have the youth he used to have, and the idea of death he hates bitterly. Peace would destroy his lifestyle of terrorizing humans on the border, and he scoffs at anyone who suggests it. Anyone stronger than him species wise is an automatic threat because he would stop at nothing to avoid his other fears coming to pass. He's not well known to anyone younger than 300, but over... the older one is, the more his more questionable side comes to light, and demons remember everything, including a few things not mentioned above - so no demon would dare trust him. Many old vampires also don't trust him, though he's probably the oldest vampire alive at this point and has outlived any vampire that would have a clear knowledge, let alone memory, of his earliest reputation-killers. To those of the darkness, he's a well known alchemist with a decent personality and an obscure past. Though the older the being, the more that is known of his real side and more known are his controversies. On the side of light, folks do know of his existence, though to a much lesser degree than those on the side of darkness, and his more questionable record is even more obscure (although angels do have some idea and find him even less trustworthy and more dangerous in his own right than demons would). He's best known for being some sort of alchemist over there.[/color] [indent][/indent]