[h2]Karn/EdoKarn || Crocus || Game Stadium[/h2] [@Oblivion666][@Caits][@liferusher][@Joshua Tamashii] Karn brief paralysis ended in time as he was hit in the chest, feeling his fragile human body's ribs breaking from the impact before he quickly transformed into his Chimera form and digging his claws into the earth. Leaving large claw marks as his large body was pushed against it and stopped at the edge. Panting and giving a sigh of relief, he coughed a bit, tongue lulling out as he felt pain ache his chest. His human form had taken too much damage, so he'd be forced to stay like this for some protection and this body's fast healing. Course that meant he'd be sapping more energy, but he'd rather not end up in critical condition. The beast opened his mouth, flames erupting from his jaws in another powerful blast toward the apparent god. [color=lime]"Eastern Chimera Roar!"[/color] he roared. [h2]????? || Crocus || Game Stadium[/h2] Amongst somewhere in the crowded stadium, a tall man that smelt of lavender perfume, long black hair and wearing a black cloak. Golden eyes watching the battle arena as what looked like a regular pipe twisted along with his cold lips. Giving a minor hum as he watched, his golden eyes narrowed slightly as he listened to the loud chatter of the cheering crowd. Drowning out most vivid conversations. [color=gold]"Suppose it's time for the beast to come out."[/color] he mused, blowing on the pipe almost casually, but his eyes kept on the stadium. [h2]Karn/EdoKarn || Crocus || Game Stadium[/h2] Suddenly, there was a very loud and very painful ringing sound that pierced his hearing and made him scream out. It was a very loud and agonizing sound to those with very high hearing, but others probably would not hear it. Similarly to a dog whistle. The beast roared loudly, thrashing his head from side to side to rid of this agonizing sound. It was like a constant claws against a chalkboard screech right next to his ears. He snarled and roared, thrashing his body about, rearing and slamming his paws against the earth, kicking his hind quarters as he moved about thrashing and rearing his horned massive head around. Unfocused in his aim and not being careful about his attacks unlike before. He roared and flopped on the ground on his side. Limbs waving and crawling about the earth, long tail thrashing before he stood again, moving again as forcefully banged his head against the earth. Running and dragging it along the earth as if it would help but to no avail. Rearing his head back, Karn roared before breathing fire. Launching his fire in random erratic directions, even to those in the stands but luckily the barrier protected them. Fangs snapping as claws clawing the earth as he continued to appear go absolutely wild. He roared as the sound continued, using Eastern Chimera Explosion a few times, launching flames out from his body and was quickly ebbing away and using up his magical abilities in his berserk attacks that could probably hit anyone in the field. To the point that he was using way too much and could very likely hurt himself. It hurt! It hurt! It hurt! Make it stop! [color=Lime]"GRRRAAAAAAAAOH!!!!"[/color] Snarling and thrashing, his fangs snapped at Loki, though this time he had little control if his fangs ever landed, it could do lethal damage with his flaming saber fangs. [I][color=springgreen]"Karn calm down! You're going to hurt somebody like this! Or us!"[/color][/I] He could barely hear Edo-Karn shout through the ringing. And he could feel her try to regain control, though she was having a lot more trouble this time. [h2]Prince || Crocus || Game Stadium[/h2] [@Caits] [color=aqua]"I don't like it either Mikey, but worrying too much won't help. Especially when we don't know exactly what's going on. Harder to tell in a crowded place like..."[/color] Prince started before a sudden ear screeching ringing entered his ears which immediately pinned back and his hands directly went to cover them as he flinched. [color=aqua]"Owww! What!"[/color] The feline man hissed and bared his fangs, his one teal eye's pupil slitting, tail fluffing instantly and arching like a angry and freaked out cat. Claws digging into his skull and seeping into his flesh, yet he did not mind that pain as the loud sound continued. He hissed and spat and he almost lashed out randomly like Karn, but he managed to dig his claws further into his skull in a attempt to avoid hurting his fellow Guild Mates. But it was being difficult as his tall form visibly shook and his hissing never stopped, unable to form proper words or thoughts.