[h3][center][color=9000f9]Trinity Stratos[/color][/center][/h3] "Whoa!" Elizabeth had suddenly rushed up to Nero and started attacking him. Nero used his strange magic to spare himself much damage, just a few red marks from the scratching. What the hell prompted this?! Nero retaliated, naturally, and Trinity found herself thinking that it fit the girl better, this form. And she had the gall to complain, at that! "You attacked [i]him[/i]." Ice began to coat the ground around them, which gave Trinity cause to groan. More trouble. She had to defuse this, quickly, before they started a fight in the stands. Nero might be able to display more control than that? but, then again, his spells were also difficult to predict in themselves, so he might start something destructive without meaning to. Like that manticore lady. That turned out well, didn't it? So, defusing this! Normal activity, go! Trinity conjures a few brass instruments to blare rudely over the end of Elizabeth's odd, aggressive outburst. She plays a rousing victory march, cheering Karn with lyric and trying desperately to keep collateral to a minimum. She looks pointedly at Elizabeth and Nero, but more Elizabeth. They don't need another Magic Council Building, either, and this girl had [i]some[/i] kinda magic. However, her music quickly faltered, as Karn very suddenly started acting berserk. "Karn?" He was in some kind of pain, but... what? What was with this sudden onset? Was it an attack? It didn't look like any of the other mages were doing anything super strange. The minstrel looked around the stadium, looking for a clue. There! she could see the tall frame of Prince. He didn't seem to be entirely well, either, but what was wrong? Both seemed like they were trying to fight some pain in their head. Did it have something to do with how those two were connected...?