[@DestinyStar][@Zelosse][@BlackPanther][@Tracyarmav] Smarter'n'me Lvl 15/Day 17/Morning [b][HP][/b][i]98%[/i][color=007236]/////////[/color][b][][/b] Smart didn't feel the need to stay close to Dimitri as he executed his old man routine. He just hung back a bit until all eyes were on his friend. Then, in that moment when great flashing blows were slamming into the masked youth, Smart made his move with a feral smile. It wasn't hard to spot the table that was about to erupt into chaos. Two men and one familiar girl. He didn't know what to expect, but her having breakfast with the two after sleeping in the same room was going to make this ugly. If she was making choices like that then she wouldn't take kindly to what they were about to do. But, Dan had worked hard his whole life with long hours and wretched coworkers. He knew that a single smudge on a reputation could shatter a career before it begins. And, curse it, she was going to have a career or a husband with one and no filthy digital prison was going to impede that! Walking through the door in his snake skin leather armor, including tights, he suddenly seemed to tip forward and fall. But, shortly before face planting onto the floor he vanished in a puff of dust only to reappear with his feet against the ceiling above the other young man. His right hand began to glow with the activation of a combat skill. He jumped down with all his force and drove the skill into the young man who hadn't been assaulted yet at the place where the neck meets the shoulder. The flash was dramatic as the boy was driven through his chair and into the unyielding floor in an instant. The poor chair shattered into pieces that flew across the room before scattering into azure sparkles. Smart followed up with a staccato series of flashes as he let fall a rain of unyielding blows on his victim, striking many sensitive points repeatedly. He was also shouting in his customary shriek as he sought to hold his victim to the ground with his legs. "You pre-pubescent-cat-kissing-soda-sodomizing-wretched-ingratiating-bastard-son-of-a-llama and a blow-up-doll!" Amazingly enough, he never seemed to take a breath. "Maggot-addict-weasel-huffer! Your house was made of fermented pubic hair and diseased reputation you leech-fingered-operatic-onomatopoeia-centipede-stripper!" And so he continued, in like manner.