[@Zelosse][@Haeo][@Tracyarmav] Ikanus nods to Scarlet. "Deal" He then looks between the two. "So we can st-" cut off as an older man shuffles in. He knew better then to think the man was as frail as he was acting. Considering that the guy had that armor and something about him was telling ikanus not to slip up. When he says that he is scarlet's grandfather his guard drops. Figuring that he would be happy to see his granddaughter. Apparently that was a mistake. Before he could react he gets both feet to the chest, knocking him back, this cause him to immediately unequal his cape figuring that the guy would use that to his advantage. He stands just in time to get pushed into the wall with a table. "The hell...What did you want me to do let her bleed to death in the gorge" Being caught off guard lets his full emotions out. With a glare that could murder a person if it was able to he leaps straight up and lands on the table legs. "You have misunderstood a situation" He flips off the table and picks up Anubis who has started reacting. The canine snaps his jaws and lurches trying hard to get to the attacker his growls deep and loud. "If you would put the table back and get your friend off of my party member I could explain what happened" Trying to diffuse the situation even though he's a bit angry about being attacked. His chest still hurts now....his grip on the lurching snapping canine increases just to make sure it doesn't make things worse. He's also quite insulted that anyone would assume he would take advantage of a woman. That isn't who he is.