[color=blue][center][h1][b][u]Peter Hasselbaink[/u][/b][/h1] [img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/6e770147daf508ff53fa81eb187382ec/tumblr_o0538j3yci1sgo9goo8_500.gif[/img] [h1]Camp Half~Blood - Big House to Obstacle Tower[/h1][/center] [hr] A son of Apollo. A son of, the greek god, Apollo. How did something like that even happen? Peter mused. He understood of course how it could happen, the biology was simple, but how does something that monumental just remain so...normal. It seemed unreal. The journey to Camp Half~blood had been short in truth, his mother had spent the entire time selling the campt him, like a holiday rep. Words so sweet he might have gotten diabetes were pouring out of his mother's mouth like syrup. Arriving at the foot of a tall tree it was surreal for Peter to hug his mother goodbye and turn to enter another vehicle, this time driven by a curly haired boy in loose fitting jeans and large hooded jumper. Apparently he was going to the 'Big House' to meet Argus who would be taking him through the camp. Camp had always been wierd. From the time when Peter was 12 and he was sure one of the leaders had tried to choke him, to right this very second. Barreling along in a strangely old, yet well furnished four by four. In the vehicle a strange cream leather upholstery comfortably held Peter and his apparent chauffeur whilst softened suspension meant that the bumps and dips in the path and mud were virtually unfelt. In the front, a strange sight met Peter's eyes, more eyes looking back. But not just one or two eyes, tens of eyes, eyes on the back of the man's neck, on his hands and wrists. Argus, whom Peter had been introduced to upon his arrival, hadn't said a word. Silently driving him to the obstacle tower after one of the satyrs informed him that's where Chiron and Mr. D were. He vaguely recognised the name Chiron however the name Mr. D left a lot up to chance as to who that might be. Peter was looking out the window, his smile spreading a little as he marvelled at the facilities available. He had always been allowed to go see some of the best the real world had to offer, here went above and beyond anything he had seen before. It was all incredibly exciting, and somewhat intimidating. but then who was ever immediately the biggest fish in the pond? The car slowly came to a halt and Peter nodded his head at Argus, feeling incredibly unsettled when the guard raised a single hand in farewell and an eye on the back of his hand winked. At least it seemed like a wink. Stepping out Peter felt immediately more settled the smell of the natural environment, the sound of positivity and the warmth of a gentle sun kissed glow. looking around he looked up with some wonder at the obstacle tower that a group seemed to be milling around. The group seemed assorted in their appearance and Peter liked that, the idea of cliques had always irritated him. Though perhaps in truth the cabin and family system replaced the cliques. Walking over slowly he carefully eyed p everyone he could, taking in every detail, his face unable to hide a slither of the interest that was welling in him. Approaching the collective which held the centaur he assumed was Chiron, Peter felt confident, yet as he came close that confidence waned a little. Who the hell were these people? Better said who in tartarus Peter supposed, although he still was only half wrapped around the situation. Finally approaching the people he looked from face to face, hoping slightly that he was noticed before he had to speak. Especially in his state of bewilderment. However no one seemed too and so like a child much junior than he was, he quietly cleared this throat and spoke up at the Centaur first, might as well start with the one he could guess was Chiron. "Mr Chiron, sir, I think I was told you could talk to me about...this." He waves his hands dramatically to gesticulate his confusion.[/color]