[center][h3][u][i]This roleplay is closed, do not join unless your username is mentioned below:[/i][/u][/h3] [@Eklispe][@Katakon][@Leolycan][@Light][@MercuryHg34][@NeutralNexus][@Polaris North][@Redstring] [@Sarcelle Renard][@Snagglepuss89][/center] [hr] [center][i]Death does not discriminate. It cares not for your wealth, your pride, your strength or your honor. It can strike in an instant as the blade of an assassin, or torture its victims over years until finally releasing them into everlasting peace. This place is not so different. With no memory of your arrival, no familiarity with those trapped beside you, you are the victim of death, subjected to the horrors regardless of your past. If the traps and monsters do not rip your life away in a blink of the eye, then time will become your greatest fear as your hope rots and your mind fades into a dull shell of your former self. If even then you persist, then you will suffer at the hands of those who did not. Perhaps after all of this, you hold with desperation onto the idea that you'll see the light of day once again. Perhaps. If this is what drives you, then you better get climbing. The only way is up, and there's only one way to see what's at the top of... [h1][b][u]The Tower[/u][/b][/h1][/i][/center] [hr] All right, everyone! If it wasn't obvious from the flavor above, this one's not going to be anything close to traditional FE narratives and plots. Instead of being the chosen hero kings and queens of divine dragons and kingdoms, you're going to be fighting and running for your lives in a dungeon with little to go off of and plenty to die on. In this post I'll have links to all the relevant stats and other information you'll need for getting started and for playing, though things like the Shops and such will be pretty different, I'll detail them as I go. [h3]Prepare yourselves. This is a lot of stuff.[/h3] The [url=https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B2vyDLWGA9fIUTJva0Y2WlhSdnc&usp=sharing]Global Fire Emblem Mechanics Folder[/url] is the outer-most folder, and leads to everything you'll need. You won't need anything in the Player vs Player folder. The [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a7oAoUfONHZFXoWzaddCHlO1WmmZBLxrnOPz8qs9C-0/edit?usp=sharing]How To Play[/url] guide is directed towards a PvP setting, but there are sections in it you should read, such as Equipment and Skills (2.3), Supports (2.4) and In Battle (3.0) and everything within those sections. [color=00aeef][b]If you want to make a non-Lord character, skip this part.[/b][/color] If you want your character to be a Lord (some form of royalty or noble), then follow the [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m8pmpgYRt_GXmvNkJ9hiQ5g1Wjs21Clu6piAIG7s-Co/edit?usp=sharing]Creating Your Avatar[/url] guide. Making a Lord character is advantageous over non-Lords because you can choose your Asset and Flaw, and only Lords can access the Advanced Lord classes, which have some of the best skills in the game. [color=00aeef][b]If you want to make a Lord character, go back up one part.[/b][/color] If you want to make a character that isn't a Lord, then instead of using the above guide, simply choose any class from the [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tKzTiuj9SQA8iNXhS_N3CN8qCfLyBSnaKAUW3-up7Lo/edit?usp=sharing]Class Introductions[/url] sheet under the categories Base Class or Other Class 1 other than Lord. This will be the class you start with. You can then choose any two classes from the same categories as your reclass options. Equipment befitting your starting class will be given to you from the beginning. Making a non-Lord character is advantageous over a Lord because you are not restricted in your reclass options, and you can access classes that are never available to any Lord, allowing for very powerful stats and/or skill combinations. Do not choose an Asset or Flaw if you pick this path. It will be chosen for you based on my calculators. Don't worry, you won't be gimped. Other Quick Useful Links: [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10JTT3fevWtH-v2gPF_gdlHzrEQN3AqGpwLMxgLycb80/edit?usp=sharing]Skills[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HL9jX6xuYWkq5zWlDqOWCACCz56dU2wzooL033cgwTU/edit?usp=sharing]Shops[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lRtGAFBES-ODLMuClze3OQWaKvC7XPCTVEXj6ISGqyA/edit?usp=sharing]Class Tree[/url] Based on which kind of character you want to make, use the corresponding CS Template below, [u][i][b]and post your character directly into the Characters tab.[/b][/i][/u] [hider=Lord CS] [code][b][u][i][h1]Name[/h1][/i][/u][/b] [h3][i]Quote[/i][/h3] [hider=Appearance](image)[/hider] Detailed description to accompany or serve in place of a picture. Can notate height and weight, and features not shown in the image. [i][u]Age[/u][/i] How old the character is in years. [i][u]Sex[/u][/i] Biologically male or female. If sexual identity differs, notate it here, as well as sexuality if desired. [i][u]Weapon[/u][/i] Sword, Axe, Lance, Bow, Anima, Dark, Light, or Staff [i][u]Asset[/u][/i] Health, Strength, Magic, Skill, Speed, Luck, Defense or Resistance. Cannot match Flaw. [i][u]Flaw[/u][/i] Health, Strength, Magic, Skill, Speed, Luck, Defense or Resistance. Cannot match Asset. [i][u]Personality[/u][/i] [i]Alignment[/i] In depth analysis of the ethics, morals and personality of the character. May sum up in an alignment, but detailed to express the character's unique take on the alignment. [i][u]Biography / History[/u][/i] Description of major events in the character's life. Feel free to create your own kingdoms or other places, and other significant characters for your back story. Keep in mind that your character doesn't know how they got here, and is here alone as far as they know.[/code] [/hider] [hider=Non-Lord CS] [code][b][u][i][h1]Name[/h1][/i][/u][/b] [h3][i]Quote[/i][/h3] [hider=Appearance](image)[/hider] Detailed description to accompany or serve in place of a picture. Can notate height and weight, and features not shown in the image. [i][u]Age[/u][/i] How old the character is in years. [i][u]Sex[/u][/i] Biologically male or female. If sexual identity differs, notate it here, as well as sexuality if desired. [i][u]Main Class[/u][/i] The class that this character begins play as. [i][u]Reclass[/u][/i] The "Base Class" and/or "Other Class 1" reclass options that this character can take. Choose two different classes, adhering to gender restriction. [i][u]Personality[/u][/i] [i]Alignment[/i] In depth analysis of the ethics, morals and personality of the character. May sum up in an alignment, but detailed to express the character's unique take on the alignment. [i][u]Biography / History[/u][/i] Description of major events in the character's life. Feel free to create your own kingdoms or other places, and other significant characters for your back story. Keep in mind that your character doesn't know how they got here, and is here alone as far as they know.[/code] [/hider]