[color=f6989d] [b][u][i][h1]Cato Mancha[/h1][/i][/u][/b] [h3][i]"Good is not a thing you are, it's a thing you do."[/i][/h3] [hider=Appearance][img]http://static.tumblr.com/1709588e105d9c9ab8aba4453275c64a/zumta09/7ZRn49gj0/tumblr_static_5v4vf70ogxgcc0040w40osoks.png[/img][/hider] Cato has quite noticeable features like his short messy pink hair and reddish-pink eyes, as well as his fancy combat armor he always wear on and off the battlefield. The Armor in question isn't like traditional Lord Armor, for it consist leather shirt beneath a thin sleeveless silver chainmail tunic with a loose fitting silver and gold breastplate on top of the tunic a leather belt is tied around his waist to keep the tunic from goingg down to his knees, he wears leather pants beneath graves that have the same colors as the breastplate and lastly he has simple leather boots. While the armor looks heavy but in reality it's lighter then it looks but some pieces of the armor is a bit big on his small frame of 5'5" and 130 Ibs. [i][u]Age[/u][/i] Twenty-Three [i][u]Sex[/u][/i] Cis-Male [i][u]Weapon[/u][/i] Staff [i][u]Asset[/u][/i] Resistance [i][u]Flaw[/u][/i] Health [i][u]Personality[/u][/i] [i]Neutral-Good[/i] optimistic, light hearted and bright, are words people would describe Cato with. He is seen as a ray of light in the dark back in his home kingdom, many people finding comfort in his constant if at times aggressive optimism. Cato has a love for legends and stories of ancient heroes, so much he day dreams of fighting along side famous warriors and writing stories about them in secret, but he hates actual violence and hates the idea of hurting and killing people so he trained in the ways of staves to heal which he feels is the only way he can help others. But beneath his bright and cheerful outside he hides away his insecurities, particularity his fears of his kingdom's future. [i][u]Biography / History[/u][/i] Cato is the Prince and Heir Apparent of the Kingdom of Mira even though he's the youngest child of five. So for as long as he could remember he had always had the duties of training to become King of Mira, but luck before all that many thought lady luck wasn't on his side because Cato was a sickly child and many feared he would passed away before he even reach infancy, but with the help of many nannies and healers Cato became healthier but not healthy enough to train in the ways of weapons. But what he lacked in martial skills he made up for in personality and kindness. He was well liked by the servants and commoners he encountered, but his family feels like he is far to soft to rule over a kingdom with a steady and tough hand expected of Mirian king. A fact his sisters often reminded him of, but he was adamant about staying who he is as a person believing a king should be as kind and optimistic like in the legends his mother told him of. While Cato lived a life of comfort, the kingdom of Mira was going though a terrible rebellion as the commoners were tired of being treated poorly by the rich and powerful. And while the King and his family wasn't the main targets of the rebellion they were still upset over the king's inaction, while in reality it was the nobility who held true power in Mira, as the nobles were ruthless and aggressive in trying to gain the king's favor, doing everything from murdering a rival noble's child or burning their estate, these fights for power often killed commoners and servants who were not involved in these power grabs and were collateral damage. The king tried everything in his power to stop the nobles, but it never lasted for more then a few days and he is forced to give favor before the rabid nobles faced their ill intent on him or his family. When the Mirian rebellions started to become worse in his late teenhood, Cato's father commissioned a suit of armor for him to always keep on him to protect him if he ever left the castle or soon enough from assassination attempts on his life. After the first assassination attempt on his father's life Cato learned how to use a staff so he could be able to heal his family who started to be targeted by the Noble families spies. The rebellions are still happening well into Cato's early adulthood and with the failing health of his father, it looks like Cato will soon be king of Mira, if he wants to or not. [/color]