[color=7ea7d8][b][u][i][h1]Varrus Volkanon[/h1][/i][/u][/b] [h3][i]"An army cannot stand without soldiers. I trust them to serve, and they trust me to lead them home."[/i][/h3] [hider=Appearance][img]http://img03.deviantart.net/eff3/i/2013/023/3/b/swordsman_by_cyl1981-d5sg0g5.jpg[/img][/hider] [i][u]Age[/u][/i] 27 [i][u]Sex[/u][/i] Male [i][u]Weapon[/u][/i] Sword [i][u]Asset[/u][/i] Skill [i][u]Flaw[/u][/i] Magic [i][u]Personality[/u][/i] Socially cold and stoic, many perceive Varrus to be a heartless overseer- or severely lacking in empathy. But behind the scenes, he's very considerate of his troops: often taking into consideration the projected losses and detriments to morale before making a decision that could effect them. Same goes for friends and family, though he feigns apathy to hide his empathy. [i]Alignment[/i] Lawful Neutral [i][u]Biography / History[/u][/i] Varrus is the 7th heir in the noble Volkanon bloodline. He quickly embraced the fact he may never succeed to the head of the family, and set his mind to other pursuits. First, it was his studies, finding himself with a nose in a book. However, this quickly proved to be boring as the boy found it all to be too easy. There was no challenge, no competition, no true victory or spoils to be had. Once his studies had concluded, he quickly withdrew himself from his schooling and set out for a new objective. Almost instantly, he grew fond of mission briefings that he'd overhear and war stories that veterans recited on the streets. It was then, his focus on war became paramount. If he would not be the Head of House, he would become it's Grand General. His fascination with war did not come without it's stigma. Many of the others his age viewed him as demented and masochistic, reading casualty reports and field manuals while simulating military movements upon a grand map. In truth, he was learning the faults of those before him to better his performance as a Leader. Every outflank, every massacre, every ambush, and every raid. These all had an answer and a reprisal in tactics, but the heat of the moment could easily sway the tide of battle. He had to be prepared for his soldiers to die, but hoping he could keep those losses to a minimum. [/color]