[b]Day 17, afternoon.[/b] [color=00a651]Edgar_Walther[/color] [@BlackPanther][@DestinyStar][@Zelosse][@Haeo] [color=8882be][i]What the blazes was wrong with Scarlet's grandpappy? Oh... That was all the young man had time to think before Smart hit him and then everything was pain and agony. Unable to properly defend himself, pinned to the floor as he was, Edgar jackknifed, or tried to and got just enough wiggle room, to bring a hand up the inside of Smart's thigh, which he pinched as hard as he could, right where it joined the pelvis, if he'd done it right, there was nice nerve there to pinch. It might serve as enough of a distraction for Smarter that he could wriggle out from under him completely. Not trusting a single attack to succeed, Edgar bit at the man's hand as it came down again at his neck, he'd probably loose a few teeth for his trouble but at least he'd still be breathing, or at least that was his rational a the time. So far he'd had little time to do anything but feel the pain being inflicted upon him, but the less trusting side of him remembered the PM Scarlet had sent during breakfast, and made some erroneous conclusions of it's own. With his mouth full of smart's hand, he couldn't say anything so he simply glared Scarlet, who though she seemed shocked, was apparently content to do nothing. Some thanks this was for saving her ass in the gorge, hell if he'd known all this was going to happen he might have let her die out there... well, no he wouldn't have, it just wasn't in him to do that. But he would have thought about it, long and hard. Looking back to Smart he yelled around the hand as best he could.[/i][/color] [color=00a651]"Fu oo oo oh an!"[/color]