Matt- Sunday Play of control F1 After the groups were decided Matt was cheerful over getting the path he wanted, though he didn’t know most his group as much he was sure it would all work out in the end… probably. The beginning was kinda dull with learning the leader was strict and focused which is super boring oh and he might be a wimp, hopefully Matt still got to fight his way. “daaa this is boring when do we get to fight or smthn?” Matt voiced out as they ended up in a ballroom. “alright we gotta be gettin somewhere now” As Matt spoke everyone noticed the armours in the room and as the scan was completed quickly it was obvious they were kinda week, which wasn't bad in Matt’s books as it meant they could move through quickly. When everyone learnt the enemies weakness they all seemed to charge in headstrong, so following suit Matt decided it was the best course to take himself. “one in all in i guess” Matt said holding his machetes up in defeat “Kresnik lets go” summoning his persona Matt let Kresnik be the distraction with an [arm chopper] as he tried to run around behind.