[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/CwzeeiS.gif[/img][/center] [center][img]http://www.cosfee.com/WebRoot/Store19/Shops/64416984/5284/F3BD/0B57/29CD/9B28/C0A8/28B8/9A3E/IMG_2186_-_Kopie.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/yLzuQSg.gif[/img][/center] [color=aba000][b]Name:[/b][/color] Ani Ishar [b][color=aba000]Other Names:[/color][/b] Ani has had countless names throughout her life. [b][color=aba000]Real Name:[/color][/b] Ani Ishar [b][color=aba000]Occupation:[/color][/b] Assassin Noble [b][color=aba000]Place Of Origin:[/color][/b] Egypt [b][color=aba000]Age:[/color][/b] 23 (587) [b][color=aba000]Affiliation:[/color][/b] Neutral Evil [color=aba000][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] A striking beauty, Ani would follow the stereotype of what wive's tales describe as a vampire. Marvelous skin, a voice harmonic and enchanting to the ears and eyes capable of peering into your very soul, Ani sports a graceful and athletic frame belonging to that of a dancer. Standing at five feet and seven inches in height, she walks with a bearing of pride and authority, her blood red eyes swiping over her surroundings in an attempt to dot every point of interest. The gentle and dare I say pleasant smile crossing her flawless lips has without doubt seduced those whom have played the role of pawns in Ani's game of masks. Long and slender fingers along with undamaged feet hint at a life of luxury and privilage before darkness claimed her being, turning Ani into a Lamia. Rows of pearly white teeth fill her mouth, two fangs easily visible behind her lips would she bare them for any to see. It is quite clear that she despises dirt and appears to keep her clothes clean at all times. In combat, damaging her outfit would surely lead to a fearsome vampiric rage. [b][color=aba000]Wardrobe Style:[/color][/b] Ani wears outfits considered beautiful and expensive, a level of bombast and etiquette fitting a noble of her standing. Across her slim waist rests a belt always holding her trusty weapon, ready to be drawn at a moment's notice. [hider=Night Kiss] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/e9/03/e1/e903e1cd933c5347e144690fe980c7fe.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Moonlight Velvet] [img]http://www.liquiwork.com/punkcoatjacket/jpg/11401162.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Dark Embrace] [img]http://www.liquiwork.com/punkshirtblouse/jpg/11407093.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Lady's Touch] [img]http://static.crazyinlove.es/1899-3731-large/gothic-victorian-shirt.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Haunted Kiss] [img]http://www.liquiwork.com/punkshirtblouse/jpg/11407160.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Gentle Embrace] [img]https://cdn-img-1.wanelo.com/p/96a/2a5/379/8aba0dae818bb216fef3efb/x354-q80.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Tender Caress (Ani's everyday overcoat)] [img]http://www.liquiwork.com/punkcoatjacket/jpg/11401236_4.jpg[/img] [/hider] [u][b][color=aba000]~Relationship Information~[/color][/b][/u] [b][color=aba000]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Single [i]"A man? A woman? No, my dear. I give myself to none."[/i] [color=aba000][b]Partner:[/b][/color] None [i]"Love in darkness, a poetic tale, no? Poetry is all it is."[/i] [color=aba000][b]Father:[/b][/color] Imothep Ishar (Deceased) [color=aba000][b]Mother:[/b][/color] Nayhat Ishar (Deceased) [color=aba000][b]Siblings:[/b][/color] Lahan Ishar (Brother, Deceased) Maya Ishar (Sister, Deceased) [color=aba000][b]Pet/s:[/b][/color] [hider=Shade] [img]https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/PHOTO/LARGE/common_raven_glamor.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=aba000][b]Other:[/b][/color] [i]"Quite the sweetheart, my dear Shade."[/i] - Ani Ishar [u][b][color=aba000]~Personal Information~[/color][/b][/u] [b][color=aba000]Personality:[/color][/b] "What decides a person's worth? It's a question you often find yourself asking with your blade at their throat. A purse of coins, that is your answer. It has been said that as long as two people remain in this world, someone will want someone else dead. Moral values, a laughable creation brought to light by those who cannot stand on their own two feet. At the end of the day, we live in a world where the strongest live and the weak die, it is a simple truth which surpasses every law and moral code brought to life by mortals clinging to their fading threads. Now then, how would people define me? I'll pretend to lend care to the subject, all in humoring purposes. Evil, heartless, selfish and greedy are terms many have placed upon me through the years. Are they correct? I would presume such a truth lies in the eye of the beholder, no? Indeed, I look out for myself and those I consider my dearest, an evil notion towards those who would mean us harm. I strike down those who's name fall on the contract in exchange for coin, a heartless notion indeed. This is much unlike those who go to war in the name of a king they have never met, no? Truly, an evil being am I for raising my blade towards those who have abused, molested and chained children to a dark dungeon wall. A person's name does not fall on the contract because they looked at someone the wrong way. Someone is always evil in someone else's eyes. Am I selfish? Of course. I will not deny my love for coin, but would I choose coin over my beloved children of darkness? The answer is a resounding no, something I wish every mother would say. However, in my very much evil line of work, you do come across peers who would see themselves in acts quite foul. Now then, greedy. Of course. The more coin resides within the purse, the more appealing the contract will become. Do I differentiate between good and evil, light and dark? Of course not, mainly because such does not exist. I am however not entirely given to the glimmer of gold, as I have established. Will I slay a child? No. The sins of life have yet to reach them, and if someone needs to hire an assassin to kill a child, weakness shines bright. I will not accept such a pitiful job from a pathetic creature weak enough to hand it out." [b][color=aba000]Race:[/color][/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/pbAQkda.gif[/img] [hider=Information.] [u][i]"Those eyes...they're not human..."[/i][/u] A vampiric race, the Lamia appear to have red eyes, making social interaction a chore at times. [u][i]"Nothing but trickery. You are a corpse and little more."[/i][/u] Fully fed, the Lamia's body appears warm and much like that of a human. However, a Lamia whom has gone without blood for a time appears pale and cold. Lamia are required to feed everyday to stay healthy, much like their previous lives dictated. [u][i]"A nuisance are what they are! A deranged creature stuck in time!"[/i][/u] Many vampiric races are accompanied by an array of dark knowledge from the years, turning even a child into a matured scholar. The Lamia on the other hand retains the mental maturity of when they were turned. [i][u]"It matters little what differentiates the undead. A vampire is nothing but an eternal curse to our world..."[/u][/i] Like every vampire, the Lamia are ageless. [i][u]"Such unholy creatures! Not even magic will befriend them."[/u][/i] Lamia have displayed an inability to use any kind of magic. [i][u]"All that you are will be drained into them. Their embrace will kill you, and you will be brought back as an abomination. May the divines have mercy..."[/u][/i] To create a Lamia, the vampire must first drain every drop of blood from a living creature before injecting a single drop of their own. A minute will pass before the newly sired Lamia will arise. [u][i]"Do not be fooled by their mortal aspects. Whenever you can kill a Lamia, you do it.[/i][/u] Like mortal races, the Lamia can indeed get tired and fatigued if they go without sleep for a prolonged amount of time. [i][u]"This is when you should strike. Keep your eyes open for pale skin and a cold presence."[/u][/i] Without blood in their system, the Lamia will fall into a coma like state from which they cannot wake up without being fed blood. This is called the Slumber. [i][u]"They can't feel the warmth of your body, the loving touch of your skin. Don't even try to think that they can love!"[/u][/i] Lamia are unable to feel the elements due to their undead nature. Warmth or cold passes them by without a single feeling to their skin. [i][u]"Aye, they tire but not like you and I, these demons..."[/u][/i] Like every undead, Lamia vampires do not breathe and cannot feel exhaustion through mortal means, other than the need to sleep. [i][u]"Hunting these vile creatures require you to know everything about them, even the things you don't think are very pretty..."[/u][/i] Being undead, Lamia vampires do not have biological functions such as the need to excrete. The blood they consume remains inside their bodies until fully used up. Every vampire species do however have the physical sense of touch and can just like any mortal race feel pain and arousal, whereas many vampire races pursue the latter with a zeal, hence the stereotype. [color=aba000][i]Strengths:[/i][/color] [u][i]"Magic is not on their side, but take heed my friend. These demonic abominations are not to be understatement..." [/i][/u] Like most vampires, Lamia possess supernatural prowess in strength, speed and reflexes. It has been noted that their physical capabilities are on the level of ten grown men. [i][u]"Their most dangerous aspect. Be careful, my friend...they are still demons and should be dealt with as such."[/u][/i] What truly separates the Lamia from their vampiric cousins is their ability to walk in sunlight without being hurt. [i][u]"I swear, I severed his arm from place with a vicious cut but it grew back! I wasn't drunk, it happened!"[/u][/i] Using the blood they have drained, Lamia are able to regenerate their wounds. The more grievous the wound, the more blood they need to use to regenerate, bringing them fatigue and eventually the Slumber. [i][u]"Don't believe in myths. Go for the head, always the head."[/u][/i] Shoving a stake into their hearts to kill a Lamia is merely myth as the muscle doesn't even work. Severing a Lamia's head will lead to instant death however, a method highly recommended. [i][color=aba000]Weaknesses:[/color][/i] [i][u]"They are creatures of darkness, no matter where they tread."[/u][/i] Despite being able to walk under the sun, the Lamia are a nocturnal being and such they find it uncomfortable. Their regeneration functions slower under the sun and unless hidden behind glasses, their eyes are quite sensitive to the light. [i][u]"Silver, my friend. It is a gift from the divine."[/u][/i] Wounds delivered by silver cannot regenerate on the spot. A Lamia will need to sleep for eight hours and use their blood based regeneration to heal from wounds caused by silver. Merely touching silver will wound the vampire like a burning ember. The same weakness holds true for fire. [i][u]"Vampires they may be, but they don't hold many tricks up their sleeves."[/u][/i] Unlike many other vampires, Lamia cannot dominate others with their voices or their eyes. They cannot fly, and they cannot control animals with their minds. Neither can they transform into one. The Lamia's physical enhancement is their only trick. [i][u]"Trust in the gods, my friend. Trust in them, and they will help you."[/u][/i] Walking on holy ground will prevent a Lamia from regenerating while upon holy soil. [/hider] [b][color=aba000]Personal Strengths:[/color][/b] Amazing combatant [i]"A cute notion, truly. How long have you held that blade, young man?"[/i] High level vampiric reflexes [i]"I can hear your heartbeat, the blood flowing through your veins."[/i] Charming [i]"Mortals do at the very least have good taste."[/i] Persuasive [i]"Would you kindly...?"[/i] [color=aba000][b]Personal Weaknesses:[/b][/color] Casper [i]"There is nothing in this world which will keep me from loving you, my child."[/i] Fashionable clothes [i]"You dare...damage my attire? It appears that this room shall now be repainted..."[/i] Ranged combat [i]"How pathetic. Do battle with a fraction of honor, will you?"[/i] Art [i]"I will never damage such beauty, not even in the midst of a fight."[/i] [b][color=aba000]Magic Capabilities:[/color][/b] See Race, otherwise none. Weapons: [i]"Never have I seen such grace and elegance entwined. This blade, it's enchanting beauty is sure to strike awe into a man's heart long before its deadly edge reaches your flesh..."[/i] - Karl, Master Smith The magically enchanted blade named after the beauty of the moon, Fleur De Lune is an extravagant elven blade created by the fey folk. Despite her otherwise unsavory work, Ani was granted this sword as thanks for saving the fey from a rampaging werewolf. Indeed, the wolf's head had already been signed off on a contract, but the blade was a reward Ani wouldn't let pass. Despite the incredible hatred fey harbor for vampires, elves tend to be honorable to a fault and wanted to reward the enemy of their enemy for her endeavors. Fleur De Lune's enchantment: Indestructibility - Enchanted by the old magic of druids, Fleur De Lune has been granted eternal life, it's steel infused with the very essence of nature's beauty. Magical blade - Being enchanted by magical forces, Fleur De Lune is capable of damaging otherworldly beings otherwise immune to physical harm. [hider=Fleur De Lune (Scabbard)] [img]http://www.christianfletcher.com/_Media/p1030568_med.jpeg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Fleur De Lune] [img]http://www.christianfletcher.com/_Media/p1030535_med.jpeg[/img] [/hider] [color=aba000][b]Brief Biography:[/b][/color] "Ah, would you like to know my story? Darling dear, I shall tell you in due time." [color=aba000][u][b]~Other Information~[/b][/u][/color] [color=aba000][b]Other:[/b][/color] Ani is fluent in the following languages: English Arabic French Japanese Irish Old English Latin [color=aba000][u][b]~Theme Song~[/b][/u][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozbp-HrYTaE]"He might hate me, but there is nothing I wouldn't do for my child, no one I wouldn't rip apart for him."[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLbLz7M34ek]"It appears you are eager, dear. Very well. I shall not keep you waiting."[/url]