[center][h1]The Regicide[/h1][/center] A sound rang out through the city streets, one that every citizen knew well and feared the day they'd hear it. The alarm had been raised, the tower bells of The Cathedral of Loringrad released a low hum which filled the hearts of the people with fear and panic. Every guard in the capital was on alert as patrols were dispatched throughout the city to keep order. The entrances to Loringrad were closed and a large detachment of guards posted at each. There would be no leaving the city until the king slayer had been brought to justice. Sorrow gripped practically every man, woman, and child in the capital as they mourned the loss of their king, one who'd brought them long lasting peace and prosperity. It seemed as though this winter would take more than their crops this year. Evelyn stood in the grand hall of the castle, before her were the leadership of the royal and city guard. With the murder of the king, the royal family would be made the highest priority while the Traitor Prince was hunted down. [color=fff79a]"The royal guard will be on constant patrol of the royal family. There is suspicion that Prince Davon was responisble for the king's murder, should this be true it is likely he will attempt to eliminate any competition for the throne. Two guards are to be posted outside each member of the royal family's rooms and are to accompany them at all times. In addition, every major entryway to the castle will be on constant patrol. There will be regular shifts but never between changing will the positions be left unattended. With each patrol there will be a messenger to call forth the next shift. As for the city guard, you are tasked with finding Davon and bringing him back alive. While I know some of you will harbour resentment for his actions, the prince will provide vital information about our enemy that we may exploit in the future. Begin your search in the upper district, it is possible that he has associates within the elite of the city, those with the ability to smuggle him out of the city to safety. I cannot stress how vital it is that we find this man. If he escapes, we lose our only chance at possibly discovering what else our enemy has planned for us, something we cannot afford. Dismissed!"[/color], all in attendance saluted the Knight-Captain before exiting the room, their armored boots clattering against the stone floor of the grand hall as they marched. As Evelyn stood in the grand hall she tried again and again to understand why Davon would do such a thing but any reasonable explanation, if any existed at all, escaped her. It was clear to her that the children she once knew were gone. Davon was always a brooding lad but never capable of something like this. Evelyn could only wonder as to how much Rodrick and Aedan had changed. The world was changing and her time in The Order only blinded her from it. So long she had gone on with the memories of a reality which no longer existed and now faced with the truth she found herself barely recognizing this place. [color=ed1c24]"This was my failure"[/color], a voice said, it's origin nonexistent. Tyr dropped the invisibility spell to reveal herself standing before the throne, her arms folded with her hood hiding her face as usual. [color=fff79a]"What do you mean?"[/color], Evelyn turned from facing the hall entrance towards Tyr, her eyes suspicious yet despondent. [color=ed1c24]"I was assigned to watch over the royal family. I left my post when I went to you all in the courtyard last night...had I been watching the king, none of this would have happened"[/color] [color=fff79a]"Now isn't the time to point out faults. We've a regicide to capture and a city to restore order to"[/color], those words bit at Evelyn's heart. To declare her childhood friend a killer of kings. She looked away from Tyr in sorrow, unwilling to allow the Watcher to see her like this. [color=ed1c24]"I fear this is far from over...tell me captain, are you aware of the current situation?"[/color], Tyr looked away from the throne and to Evelyn, the shadow of her hood barely revealing the doleful look on her face. [color=fff79a]"Is that a serious question?"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"I do not question your ability to observe the now, merely your ability to calculate the future. The death of the king creates a window of opportunity for death and destruction to enter. Should we choose wrong, we may bring about the end of this kingdom"[/color] [color=fff79a]"What do you mean? It's clear the enemy wanted to weaken us by removing the king. What more is there to know?"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"A nation without a leader is weak alone, but The Dead God does not waste his time and resources. Despite what necromancers may say, their power is limited. Sar'than can only have a certain number of undead before there aren't enough stable bodies to raise. He does not simply wish to weaken Farendar, he wants to destroy it from the inside, let it rot until it is a decaying relic of it's former self, easily conquered once the time is right"[/color] [color=fff79a]"That won't happen, Gregor's children would never allow such a thing to pass"[/color], to say that Vanessa, Aedan, and Rodrick would fight over the throne was insulting. Surely they knew the risk should they go to war...did they? [color=ed1c24]"These are not the children you grew up with Evelyn, they've changed a great deal since then. Rodrick has spent much time overseeing the management of the king's army, he has quite a militaristic point of view with the hopes of starting another expansion age not seen since the first arrival of man. Aedan is honorable and proud, perhaps too proud. A number of times he's hosted numerous tourneys and banquets, digging into the royal coffers. He is not much of a strategist but he keeps his oaths and looks after his own, many claim him to be resembling of his uncle Malcolm. Then there is Vanessa, altruistic and patient. She prefers diplomacy and is careful to consider her choices. The kingdom has called her 'The Rose of Lyra' after the old legend"[/color] [color=fff79a]"You describe them as if I must choose who will take the crown"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"You just might, captain...you just might"[/color], Tyr said nothing more before sitting on the throne with her legs over the arm rests as if it were any other seat. Theodore threw open the doors to the throne room with a resounding THUMP as the gilded portals slammed into the opposite walls. At his back and looking sullen was Marcus Kiln. Both walked in silence into the room, Marcus closing the doors behind their entrance and waited patiently for the Dwarf to say what needed saying. Theodore spat on the rich carpet and snorted, hands on hips. This was a fault of the watchers and everyone in this room knew it, thankfully blame could not be placed as few knew of the watchers existence. Tyr and himself had been explained as mercenaries to the other members of the group. "First order of business, Sunderland. You must make your claim as the highest ranking officer of the Dawn covenant. The loss of your superiors at Starguard has left you all weak and aimless. In the wake of the kings unfortunate end, you will strike your claim infront of the gathering of every Templar in the city. Those who do not bow to you will be dismissed or dealt with." Theodore touched the handle of his ax, ender, that rested on his right hip. "Second order is dealing with Davon." Theodore put his fingers to his mouth and blew a shrill whistle and Marcus took off in a puff of smoke, two more whistles sounded from somewhere in the room. "Watchers will comb every bloody inch of this city if they have to, and will be watching every exit. Every sewer. Every wagon. Every man, woman, or child, will be searched and identified. But that isn't the most concerning part." Theodore felt his old bones ache and took a seat on the steps to the throne. "Civil war will break out, Evelyn. The king has named no heir and the city will be in uproar over who should rule their little world. These are your friends who stake claim here. You must meet with them after your corronation and see them all sat straight. Only one can rule this place as its queen or king but you can fix that. For the first time in centuries, a human kingdom can have a council of its heirs rule in unison. What better way to unify the people than not picking a side." Theodore reached into his armor and removed a small smoking pipe from the pouch below his beard, a pinch of tobacco was placed inside and the spark of a match had the smoke flowing as the Dwarf took a long drag before blowing it out in a perfect cirlce. In that one moment he truly looked his age, tired and worn out despite the cheerful glint of his eyes. "You must not reveal the Watchers to the world yet. My master fortold that friends may yet become enemies. Better your foes know only of the black clad mercenaries. We pose no threat if they think we work for coin.." Theo took another long hit from his pipe and stood up, stretching his back with a crack and a groan. He took the pipe from his mouth and pointed it accusingly. "What are you prepared to do for your brothers and sisters in arms?." Had it not been for Theo's arrival, Evelyn would have removed Tyr from atop the throne herself. Instead she listened on as the dwarf advised of their future actions. The thought of forcing herself to leadership of The Order did not sit well with her, especially when he said that those who did not recognise her authority would be "dealt with". [color=fff79a]"If I do this, it will be out of necessity. Once this war has ended, I will step down, so that a proper leadership can be elected"[/color], as much as she hated to admit it, Theodore was right. The Order was in a state of disarray, with no leadership each group operated independently. There was no coordination and so the enemy was at an advantage. If Sar'than wished, he could march his army south and have a good chance at breaking through into West Miras. If the elven kingdoms fell, the enemy would have half a continent of soldiers at their bidding in an environment which provided protection from an invasion. "Good. Step in the right direction. As for this ugly Davon business, I had a thought." The pipe was put back in his mouth as he moved to one of the windows and stared out over the city. It was an erratic energy that emenated from every corner of the empire as the news spread out like thunder on a lake surface, effecting everyone. Some reacted with anger, others sadness, and some spoke of the templars as the key to the blame, turning to point a stubby black clad finger her way and progressed slowly towards her, puffs of smoke accentuating his every word. "What if Davon is given a way to redeem himself? A spot of rank and trust within the covenant on the frontlines. To atone for a sin with his life would prove his father proud, I think. This could be his punishment and his greatest act of heroism. The city will have its revenge against the murderer of their beloved king and the siblings will have no opposition from him to the throne, leaving you in a position to give them all a choice for best succession." [color=fff79a]"Tyr seems to believe differently. As I much as I hate to say it, she may be right. Even if Davon is removed from the equation, it may be that the others will then fight amongst themselves. I only hope their claims don't lead to war"[/color], Evelyn turned to find Tyr still lazily sitting on the throne but at the mentioning of her name she sprang to her feet. [color=fff79a]"You heard the necromancer, army heads south towards these walls. The kingdom cannot afford to be weakened by infighting. If the heirs cannot decide, we may have to step in. Should the situation escalate to the potential for war...perhaps more drastic action must be taken?"[/color], Tyr wore no smile but a look of severity as she meant every word. [color=fff79a]"You cannot be serious. Have you gone mad?! Besides the fact that such an act is beyond immoral, how do you think the people will react? The Templars of The Dawn slay the heirs of their dead king? Half the world will be against us then!"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"I never said it'd be you lot to weild the dagger. Myself of Theo can do what needs to be done without compromising you"[/color] [color=fff79a]"No"[/color], Evelyn's response was final and with no sign of further conversation on the topic in the tone of her voice. [color=ed1c24]"Tis an option is all"[/color], Tyr walked towards the doors to the grand hall, her stride was fast and her steps were silent as she crossed the stone floor. [color=ed1c24]"For now you'd best begin to consider who you side with, because eventually you'll be forced to pick a side. Be sure to choose wisely"[/color] "Killing the brats would earn the world nothing. No leader could step forward and be accepted by these people except one of their late kings heirs. This is a matter that must be dealt with publicly once Davon is securely in the hands of your men. The necromancer may speak truly of an impending march but the city may not be its target. What if they intend to flow around our defenses and join the larger host. Either option is unoptimal." "Tyr. Go with Marcus, now, and find Davon. Use every resource at your disposal. Dispose of anyone who stands against us. It is too crucial for such a blunder as letting this fool escape. Start from the exit to the sewers and work your way in. You're looking for signs of a large group passing, I reckon. Shady folks and shadowy things looking to secure leverage." Tyr nodded and departed as swiftly as Marcus had, leaving the Black bound Dwarf and the Knight captain in the room alone. Tense silence ruled them as the thoughts of failure surfaced. Theodore squashed the impetuous thought before it could gain weight. "You will make your announcement in an hour. Every Templar of rank is at or near the castle. None that are dealt with will be killed. They will be removed from the city and moved to the other forts." Theodore paced to the door and opened one gilded portal gentler than when he had arrived. "Do not disrespect the king and your Commander with thoughts of ineptitude." Theo grinned and threw a dirty wink, a suggestive eyebrow nudge, and closed the door behind him. Evelyn would handle the affairs of the speech and getting the hearts of the people on her side. Theodore was already calling attendants to send word. When all arrived, Evelyn Sunderland would give her commands. She would rise to the top of the ladder. The watchers would make sure she did not fall. [hr] [center][h1]The Crusade Begins[/h1][/center] The hour had arrived, every Templar had rallied to the castle to hear what news had come from the north. A large number of the knights filled the great hall of Loringrad Castle but even more flooded the courtyard and around the perimeter to hear as well. It seemed as though word had spread quickly as most of the city was in attendance as well. Today the entire capital came to a halt, anxious to learn of the fate of their Templar protectors. Evelyn stood alone in her room, the sounds of the awaiting crowd creating a white noise of their combined voices as they spoke amongst each other. [color=ed1c24]"Not having cold feet are you?"[/color], Tyr said mockingly as she appeared by the door. A smirk was all she got in return, [color=ed1c24]"Well it's too late for second thoughts now, the whole city is waiting...actually, I understand your hesitation now that I think about it"[/color] [color=fff79a]"I've no issues with speaking to a crowd, I spoke before the entire leadership of The Order before all this...what I fear is what comes after the speech. There were more of us when we left Starguard, one by one I lost them...how can I lead the entire Dawn Covenant if I can barely command a single group?"[/color], Evelyn's hand rested on the pommel of her sword which hung from the waist in its sheath. Her eyes did not meet Tyr's, but instead looked out through the balcony towards the cityscape. [color=ed1c24]"My life has only known death and bloodshed. I've seen countless people die by my hand or as a result of my actions. I commanded others of my order and I've lost them to fate as well. If I've known anything from this life is that loss is inevitable, and in the current state of the world it will be rampant. You've commanded the garrison at the Gate of Miras, that alone requires great skill and this will be no different. Captain, you will lose more as this war rages on. That I promise. But you decide how much you lose, you can choose to accept the reality that some under your command will die or you can let it consume you and lose everything"[/color], Tyr moved from the door and towards the table, her eyes locked onto a bottle of wine which sat atop it. [color=ed1c24]"Besides, you won't be doing this alone, you've got a strong band of warriors behind you. Not to mention a gorgeous and mysterious assassin...you've got this"[/color], Tyr grabbed the wine bottle and left the room, the door shutting with a satisfying thud. [color=fff79a]"I pray that I do.."[/color], were the last words whispered before she headed to the grand hall. Immediately upon entering the Knight-Captain was met with a sea of intrigued and confused faces. There she now stood, atop the short steps to the throne, at the head of the eastern world...the war would begin in the next few moments. [color=fff79a]"I'm aware that many of you wonder as to the fate of Starguard and our commanders. I was there, I witnessed what brought us so low, and I would have you all know the truth. It was the night of The Conclave when our enemy struck, when we rested in confidence that we could not be touched. That night we were proved wrong. The Cult of Sar'than, a group of worshipers to the Dead God, hid in plain sight, under the guise of our brothers and sisters in arms. In that one night, our commanders were slain in their beds, and our comrades slaughtered one another in the confusion. In the final moments of the fall, Knight-Commander Grathan gave me one final order: to ensure the survival of our Order and to avenge those we lost. On my journey here, my company faced a number of horrors, we witnessed firsthand the depravity of our enemy and the lengths they'd go to achieve victory. Should their unholy campaign succeed, I have no doubts it will mean the end of all we know in this world. As we speak, our enemy sends an army south towards the capital, the first of an even greater army of evil forged by their dark lord's power"[/color] [b]"Then we're all doomed!"[/b], an unknown voice spoke out from amongst the crowd. What followed was an uproar of fear and dread as they all clamoured to voice their opinions on the matter. [b]"The gods have forsaken us!"[/b], another voice cried out from amongst the shouting, another yelled, [b]"We must flee to the west! We can force the elves to give us passage!"[/b]. The crowd continued to panic as Evelyn's emotions began to well up inside of her. Finally she spoke, [color=fff79a]"WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!"[/color] her voice amplified by the same spell Grathan had taught her. The crowd went silent, leaving the hall with the fading echo of the Knight-Captain's voice traveling through the chamber. [color=fff79a]"You're right...we are all going to die. We've lost our commanders, our home has been laid to ruin, and an army comes to eradicate us...times such as these that hope is hard to hold onto. But I've not lost hope as I've seen the valor and strength of our Order. We've held against scores of ogres, slain elder dragons, and repelled Nalrokar incursions time and time again. For centuries The Knights of The Dawn Covenant have prevailed against the odds time and time again. Together we are an unbreakable force for good in this world. Our banner is one that transcends race, religion, and nation. Our cause stretches across this continent with the promise of safety, order, and life. This cult and it's 'Dead God' threatens to destroy all that we've worked for, all that our ancestors have worked for and they will stop at nothing to achieve this. I've dedicated my life to the service of those I share this world with and I'd rather die in the defense of it rather than stand aside and watch it all burn to ashes. I ask not for you all to believe in me, but in yourselves, to believe that you are capable of preserving this world and all you hold dear, because that is what we need if we are to win this war. I did not ask for this role, but in the absence of our leaders, I will take command of The Order. Make no mistake, I wish not to retain this position once our crusade is ended. Once our enemy is defeated, you have on my word that I will step down, so that a proper hierarchy can be rebuilt. Until then, I humbly ask that you join me in the defense of our home. I have no issue with those who wish to leave, you are free to do so. I only ask you this: What will you say when this war is done?"[/color] The hall remained silent, each Templar taking in what they'd just heard. Eventually, a group turned to leave, many of them being convinced to stay by their peers while others determined to turn their back on all they stood for. Those who remained came down on bended knee as they proclaimed, [b]"Hail, Commander Sunderland! High Lady of The Dawn!"[/b]. Over and over they changed as some of the higher ranking officers came forward. [b]"Knight-Lieutenant Mason, The Templars of Miras Gate stand with you!"[/b] [b]"Knight-Lieutenant Anya, The Templars of Stormacre stand with you!"[/b] [b]"Knight-Lieutenant Jorlund, The Templars of Frosthold stand with you!"[/b] And so it went, one by one the lieutenants of eastern Miras swore fealty to the new Lord Commander of The Dawn. With each oath proclaimed, Evelyn felt more and more weight added to her heart though she remained steadfast, confident that she could lead them out of this encroaching darkness. [color=fff79a]"I thank you all for your support, I swear in the name of the old gods and the new I shall not fail you. Now then, we've much to do with little time granted to us. That army must be repelled if we wish to save this city from destruction. Lieutenants Mason, Anya, Telor, and Wrenlin: ready your men to march north. I shall assign men from my personal company to accompany you to oversee the campaign in the north. In the meantime, all other remaining Templars are to take control of the city. Martial law is now in affect, our priority is to find the kingslayer and whoever is allied with them. Once that is resolved we can begin to return the capital to normalcy. Dismissed, and go with the light. For The Dawn!"[/color]