[color=0072bc][b][u][i][h1]Ulrich Halechstin[/h1][/i][/u][/b] [h3][i]"They say that there is a special type of magic out there, and I strive to found out what that is."[/i][/h3] [hider=Appearance][img]http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h353/BeccaTheLion/Anime%20and%20Manga%20pictures/troldmand.jpg[/img][/hider] Most would consider him small for his age, standing at a height of 5'4". He is distinct among others because of his gray hair and eyes, which is quite odd for a young boy to have. He also has childish features for someone who is nearing the age of 20. He rarely wears anything other than his signature greyish green cloak and its hood is usually seen covering his head. One other noticeable feature about him is the odd shaped tattoo under his right eye, even he is unsure of what it is. He carries around a knapsack which contains books, magical or not and other needs. [i][u]Age[/u][/i] 19 [i][u]Sex[/u][/i] Male [i][u]Main Class[/u][/i] Wizard [i][u]Reclass[/u][/i] Shaman and Monk [i][u]Personality[/u][/i] [i]Alignment[/i] - True Neutral He believes himself to be a free spirit, never wanting to fully bow down to anyone besides himself. Yes, he can work for others and follow someone's orders but he believes that is because of his own decisions and he can choose to obey or disobey it as he pleases. However, if he sells his allegiance to you, he will see the contract to the bitter end. He has a great love for books, fictional or not, and tends to carry some with him wherever he goes. He takes comfort in these when in dire situations. He is nice to others and can strike up a conversation when he can. He is open-minded, not minding if someone is talking about their nefarious schemes or valiant deeds. So long as they don't attack him, he's good. He will learn anything he can as well, especially when it involves magic. His true goal is to learn everything to know about the field and expand it. [i][u]Biography / History[/u][/i] Ulrich wasn't quite your average citizen. In fact, he wasn't a citizen of any kingdom at all. He lived in a small village between two kingdoms inside a forest known for its notorious wolves. His village isn't normal at all. From a young age, kids were taught how to protect themselves, through sword or magic, it didn't matter. Once they've learned the basics, a mage and a physical warrior will be put in pairs and then thrown into the wilderness. Their goal is to make back to the village alive. Ulrich was paired up with a well-trained female mercenary. Her name was Valerie, or Val for short, and she was quite a skilled mercenary. Both of them had pristine teamwork despite just meeting and they were the first pair to return to the village thanks to Ulrich's memory and natural tracking ability. They were prophesied to be a great pair of paid warriors. But Ulrich wasn't too keen on killing but he had no choice. By the age of 14, both he and Val started to travel to earn for their own. Partners were for life, even if you have a family, you will travel with them. That is the saying of their village. That is why partners are of opposite sex, because most can't live a normal life with this rule embedded in their minds. But Ulrich and Val were different, they knew that they were going to leave each other once one falls in love with another and they fully accepted it. They were out of the village so why follow right? By the age of 18, they had travelled far from their village. At that moment, they were caught up in a war between two kingdoms. Seeing the opportunity, the sellswords sold their allegiance to both kingdoms and see who can win their bid. One had a higher price than the other so they immediately went for the 'blue kingdom' as they called it. They fought and gave it their best shot. Needless to say, they were quite a help despite being young. But the kingdom knew that if the 'red kingdom' would send a messenger to them having greater money, they will deviate and tell the other kingdom of all their plans. The King was wrong as the two were loyal but his decision was already made. That night, Ulrich went outside to read and study the stars. When he came back to the room, he saw Val, bloody, stabbed multiple times in her abdomen. Needless to say, he was enraged but he fully knew that his capabilities would not be enough to defeat all of them. With a heavy heart, he fled the kingdom. But not before some minor revenge. He sold the information to the 'red kingdom' and needless to say, the kingdom won. Ulrich put up a proper burial for his partner and continued his quest alone. Without a trusty sword beside him, he felt vulnerable to say at least but he knew that Val would get angry if he gave up. And so he continued to hone his skills and find out more about his beloved magic. [/color]