The next day a messenger appeared in the building with a letter. It was an underling of the governor. You are informed that this concerns a staple of the town, that is to say logging. One of the logging camps is experiencing mysterious attacks within their territory. The beast is elusive and seems to mainly operate at night which makes getting believable descriptions difficult. The injuries and demoralization caused by these attack is a liability and the company desires your services. There are also rumors of appearances of the beast close to town which is rapidly putting citizens in hysteria as rumors of sightings spread. Accompanying you will be a tracker with knowledge on the landscape to help with the finding of this animal. Dead or alive it doesn't quite matter to the logging company, although if it's an exotic new species there will some interest in keeping it alive. You depart in the morning and head from the outskirts and venture into the wilderness with clearings and mark of activity that easily guide you to the camp.