[quote=@Dervish] It's a nightmare to try and RP with characters like that. If a character doesn't have any agency to want to associate with anyone and deliberately cuts off any dialog because it's "in character" for them, it makes them exactly the last person anyone wants to associate with. You basically end up with a mopey D-Bag who isn't interacting with other characters, and if they were going to have any depth, usually you never get that far because the player who owns that character is feeling left out. My first incarnation with Tanya had her being someone who did everything in her power to avoid socializing with the team at first because she didn't want to get to close to them, and it's reaaally not a fun thing to play, even though you have a big character arc planned for that character warming up and getting over their fears. In another game, one of the players had a character who fit the whole brooding anti-social assassin archetype, and one of my characters made it her life's goal to harass the crap out of that character for her own personal amusement, and as it turned out, it ended up doing a lot to drive the development with both of our characters and they ended up becoming one of my all-time favorite relationships in my roleplay history. [/quote] It's probably worst with characters who have the edgy/dramatic weaboo off-the-shelf tragic backstories that don't hold much bearing except to cause drama and draw in attention. I saw it (along with annoying kawaii-desu mary sue rambo cybersex throwaway chars) a lot back on a number of Garry's Mod RP communities (TacoNBanana, InfusionGaming) and at best it was just disruptive rather than conductive to good RP. Not saying tragic backstories are a bad thing - they're great when pulled off right, just a lot of the time they're hit and miss or just miss.