Before Ajax could lambast the halfling once more for her constant use and abuse of her powers, the owner of the house took charge and shouted her down, apparently not for the first time. My my, what a temper she showed, how the mask of harmony and control fell every now and again. What explanations followed fell on deaf ears, there may be truths in them but now Ajax had no doubt that it was in his best interest to see this adventure through. Not out of some sense of duty or altruism, but simply because he could see the dagger in the dark, the obvious deceit, and if anything about the power this woman sought was true, he wanted to be the one to crush it. Of course, this didn't come through visibly. Instead, he simply clapped his hands together once when offered comfortable lodging. Well, it was more like smashing the two palms together rather forcefully, causing a booming noise and perhaps making others wonder what it'd be like for something caught in between and the likelihood of it happening during their travels. "Ah, now that is a good attitude from a host! Yes I will accept your hospitality. I also require food and drink! A man should enjoy himself before he heads off to face death!" He still had things he would discuss with the beastess, but this was not the time nor the place. He might as well enjoy himself while he could.