[center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/99/Flag_of_the_Philippines.svg/2000px-Flag_of_the_Philippines.svg.png[/img][/center] I felt that I needed to create a thread like this so we fellow Kababayan on the guild can connect with each other. It seems though their are not a lot of us in here though I have already met some fellow countrymen and I wish to seek out and find more of us and create a repository of us on the OP so others Filipinos can can connect with one another. We can use this place to talk about anything pertaining to the Philippines whether if you want to talk about music, movies, politics of the Philippines etc. I hope to see you soon! [hider=Kababayans] 1. [@Ayazi] 3/6/16 2. [@Letter Bee] 3/6/16 3. [@BeachDude7PH] 3/7/16 4. [@Fubsy] 3/18/16 5. [@Volenvradica] 3/19/16 [/hider]