[center][img] http://puu.sh/nlUCs/26679c26c3.png[/img] Akito Fujisawa · 18 · Male Fool Arcana [/center] [u]Personality: [/u] Akito is typically guarded, especially towards those he doesn’t know very well due to deep rooted trust issues. When he does actually speak, his stubborn, devil may care attitude tends to rub others the wrong way. Given the safety he finds in solitude, he isn’t usually very concerned about how he comes across either. If he does take the time to speak, he is usually quite blunt about what he has to say. Given that he tends to push others away, he invites himself to loneliness and isolation. But this is preferable than taking the risk of letting anyone in. Akito has learned that affection is tentative, and that people cannot be depended upon. As such, he feels the need to always do things on his own. That belief does not, however, carry on towards others. Should he see people he cares about struggling, he will attempt to advise them in his own less than delicate manner. Even if he doesn’t personally know a person, he will go out of his way to see that the problem is resolved. Once the issue is solved however, he will attempt to fade away again. Constantly feeling the need to be in control of any situation he is directly involved in, Akito will not allow others to have authority over him. Being closed into tight spaces, manipulated or jerked around will cause him to verbally or physically lash out until he feels he is no longer being confined. If someone does decide to try tormenting him or a loved one, he’ll resort to very mean tricks and public humiliation. Occasionally, he’ll take retaliation just a bit too far, which leaves him feeling incredibly guilty afterwards. Should someone manage to get close to him and actually get him to stay put, he’s a rather low maintenance friend. He’s happy to do just about anything with someone he’s comfortable with, and will even open up to have a rather sarcastic sense of humor. Having formed no real identity of his own, he struggles with a sense of self and thus will ‘try on’ different identities if prompted. Having a lower than average sense of self preservation due to his apathy, he will do things that are risky towards his health, so it’s important for the people who care about him to watch over him as he won’t watch over himself. [u]Background: [/u] Akito has had very little say in what has occurred in his life. At a rather young age his family split into two, causing disruption for him and his twin sister Yumi. While he was left to live with his father, his mother took his sister along with her. Home life with his father was stressful, as he always pushed Akito into his mold of what he believed to be acceptable. On top of being emotionally limiting, his father’s methods of discipline were unconventional. Being especially outspoken as a child, Akito often spent nights locked in his room without food for mouthyness. As he grew older, his filter loosened even more and as a result he was occasionally slapped across the mouth and screamed at. Caught between a cycle of being prided as a son and being an absolute failure, he eventually gave up on trying to be just about anything at all. Frustrated, he learned to distrust his father and became much more withdrawn in general. Odd visitation schedules and attempting to balance family life with schoolwork also left Akito feeling bitter resentment towards his parents. Though well intended, Akito’s mother tended to latch onto her son during his visits. Being as it was too a stark contrast to his father’s negligence and abuse, Akito tended to reject her affection at times. The only family member he felt no resentment towards was his sister, as she was similarly caught between tides like he was. They continued to communicate remotely, both conspiring to leave their homes in the most remorseless way possible when the time came. In his middle and high school years, Akito was reserved and very rarely attempted to socialize with his classmates. Having no particular interests outside of music and fashion, he limited his after school activities. This was met with criticism from his father, who felt that extracurricular activities were a way to show dedication to universities. Akito and Yumi believed that their parents had entered an unspoken competition to see which one of their children succeeded better than the other. They both made their own promise to get revenge, neither choosing the path expected of them. After all, when had their parents ever succeeded in meeting their expectations? So at all costs, they are determined for their courses in life to be their own. No matter what. Now, he has entered college as a general studies major. With no idea with what he wants to be he floats along, trying to determine what will make him happy and, what will also spurn his father the most. [hider=Weapon] [center][img]http://puu.sh/nxGgH/d1c539f8e7.png[/img] Katana · Slash[/center] [/hider] [hider=Persona] [center][img]http://puu.sh/nxJMD/7d32efae1c.png[/img] Hermes [/center] Arcana: Fool Strength: Garu Weakness: Zio History: Hermes was well known as a cunning trickster who had a bit of a dark side. In fact, playing dirty tricks on other gods was considered one of his favorite past times. Apollo was the first to be on the receiving end of his pranks, as his first action as a newborn was to torment the ever loving hell out of him by stealing his cattle and then acting like he had nothing to do with it. Much to Apollo’s frustration, Zeus just sort of laughed it off. Hermes, being good natured deep down apologized by creating the first Lyre as a gift for Apollo. Speaking of gifts, he bestowed the gift of lies to Pandora, allowing her to trick people with her words. Despite his devilish nature towards other gods, he tended to have a warm attitude towards mortals. In fact, he often served as a link between the Gods and humans. He aided Perseus in his quest to defeat the Gorgon Medusa and, in some tales he even went as far as to lend him his own magic sandals and invisibility helmet, giving Perseus the ability to fly. But his main function was to be the guardian of travel. He acted as a psychopomp for the souls of the dead, leading them to the Underworld where he was free to enter or leave without interference. In psychology his role as a messenger between the living and dead is paralleled as the god of the unconscious, making him the bridge between the unconscious and conscious parts of the mind such as, inner struggles. “In the context of psycho-therapy Hermes is our inner friendliness bringing together the disparate and perhaps isolated core elements of our selves belonging to the realms of the other gods,” — López-Pedraza [u]Skills:[/u] 1. Garu - Deals light wind damage to one foe. 2. Cleave - Deals light slash damage to one foe. 3. Rakukaja - Increases 1 ally’s Defense. [s]4. unlocked at first social link, upgraded at rank 6. 5. Unlocked second social link, upgraded at rank 7. 6. unlocked after having a rank 4 social link w/ someone, upgraded at rank 8. 7. unlocked after having a rank 4 social link w/ someone else, upgraded at rank 9. 8. Unlocked after rank 5 social link w someone, upgraded at rank 10. [/s] [/hider] Social Link Rankings [list] [*] Fool / Nightmare Liberation Squad · Rank 1 [*] Arcana / Character Name · Rank 1-10 [*] Arcana / Character Name · Rank 1-10 [/list]