[center] [URL=http://www.zerochan.net/1928965][IMG]http://s3.zerochan.net/Minami.Kotori.240.1928965.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Mari Kitagawa · 18 · Female Arcana: Temperance [/center] Personality: Mari is a pretty passive person, not really quick to jump into conversations on the get go. She’s decent enough at making polite conversation, and is even able to strike up casual chats with her peers that she doesn’t know that well. As long as it doesn’t delve into anything too personal, of course. She tends to be a bit more open with her friends and family, to whom she sticks pretty closely. In a comfortable setting, she’s cheery and bubbly, eager to poke and tease. But even among her closest circle of people, she tends to keep what bother to herself. She tends to see most of her frustrations as too tiny to complain about, or out of her control, so there’s no use sulking. No matter what, she tries to be the bigger person by avoiding conflicts in general. And she’s very good at convincing herself that she’s not bothered by these trifles. Not at all. Of course, this doesn’t always work out. Usually, these just amount to being snide or passive aggressive towards someone [i]really[/i] getting on her nerves. At worst? Well. Let’s just say she has a temper. If she is pushed far enough, to the thinnest string of her very last nerve, everything will come spilling to the surface and she will viciously lash out at the unfortunate person to set her off. These blow ups usually only amount to screaming and harsh words (and sometimes tears), but it isn’t fun to sit through nonetheless. These outbursts are few and far between, but Mari is always deeply ashamed of herself for them, and tend to hang over her for weeks afterward. But those are just isolated occurrences. Really. Otherwise, everything is totally fine. At least, that’s what she tells herself. Background: Mari comes from probably the plainest, white collar Japanese family in the books. They live snuggly in middle class. Her father has been working at the same local publishing company for 27 years, while her mother stayed at home maintaining the house and raising her two daughters. Mari is junior two years to her older sister Eri, who is currently attending Kantou University. Mari had spent her entire life in Kantou City, leading a perfectly normal early childhood, with an equally normal fear of heights. This all changed at the age of five, when her father took an assignment in Australia for an article. He took this opportunity to take the family along for a much needed vacation. But knowing making such a trip would require flying, the young Mari vehemently protested this commute up to the very last second, literally kicking and screaming in her seat. But the moment the plane took off and she dared to glance out the window, everything changed for her. She couldn’t believe how small the world had become below her, or how vast the sky was. She loved everything from the hum of the plane’s engine to the bouts of turbulence, to every last wisp of cloud that passed by. Even when they had arrived at Sydney, Mari could not wait for the return trip, just to experience that again. It was from that point on that she decided what her career goal would be. She was going to be a pilot. Whether it was for commercial airlines or for the Japanese self defense force, it made no difference! Anything to get back up in the sky and fly again! This goal stayed with her well into her early teenage years. She read every book about planes and jets she could get her hands on, she memorized the requirements for attaining a piloting license. She had it all planed out: the moment she graduated high school, she was going to enter flight school. But yet another life change was waiting for her when she turned thirteen. One morning at school as she was trying to make it to class, she slipped on the staircase and fell, smacking the back of her head against the ground. This caused sever trauma to her optical lobe, causing complete blindness. Naturally, this injury devastated her, snagging all chances that she could possibly have of achieving her dream. This dramatic shift in her life had swung her into a deep depression, which hung over her through the rest of her middle school life, more or less. But as time went on, she has managed to come out of it, with only minimal recurrences. Additionally, she has since adapted to her new life style, and has more or less accepted that this is how her life will be. She is now in her final year of high school, studying for her entrance exams and plans to attend a university in a nearby city with better facilities for the physically disabled. To do what, she’s not quite sure. But she’s sure she’ll find something, even if it wasn’t exactly what she wanted. After all, that’s how life goes… Right? [hider=Weapon] [center][img]puu.sh/nv6uV/5b6791d46a.png[/img] Weapon · Nope [/center] [/hider] [hider=Persona] [center][img] http://ryansgreekgodsandgoddesses.weebly.com/uploads/2/4/6/7/24676913/7067958_orig.jpg [/img] Leto [/center] Arcana: Temperance Strength: Scanning and analysis Weakness: That whole fighting thing. Can’t do it. History: Leto is a goddess of Greek mythology and daughter of titan gods Coeus and Phoebe. She was an early and favorite lover of Zeus, quite a while before he married Hera. Leto was became pregnant with Zeus’s children, much to Hera’s jealousy, to the point where she drove Leto from Olympus and did everything in her power to have her killed. Zeus finally stepped in by sending her out to the desolate, rocky isle of Delos, where she gave birth to Apollo and Artemis, despite further interference from Hera. With her two fast growing children, who have grown into skilled archers, they were able to fend off any threats that were sent after her from then on. Eventually, Leto was accepted into Zeus’s good favor again, and was allowed back into Olympus with her children. 1. Analysis- Reveals an enemy’s stats and weak points. (excludes bosses) 2. Healing Breeze- Slight HP restore at end of turn for 3 turns. (party) 3. Spotlight- Targeted ally takes their action first. 4. [s]unlocked at first social link, upgraded at rank 6.[/s] 5. [s]Unlocked second social link, upgraded at rank 7. [/s] 6. [s]unlocked after having a rank 4 social link w/ someone, upgraded at rank 8.[/s] 7. [s]unlocked after having a rank 4 social link w/ someone else, upgraded at rank 9.[/s] 8. [s]Unlocked after rank 5 social link w someone, upgraded at rank 10.[/s] ( First three skills will upgrade as the story progresses. GM will notify when power ups occur. ) [/hider] Social Link Rankings [list] [*] Arcana / Character Name · Rank 1-10 [*] Arcana / Character Name · Rank 1-10 [*] Arcana / Character Name · Rank 1-10 [/list]