[centre][img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/deb9/f/2016/050/c/3/he_so_pretty_by_fenixking13-d9se5ig.png[/img][/centre] [centre][color=82ca9d]Theodore Doubleblade[/color][/centre] ------------------- The coronation of Evelyn Sunderland had gone better than anticipated, with little to no visible threat to her rule as Knight-Commander. In time she would realize that the position could only be filled by the most respected templars to ever serve the order and anything less than that would be cut down, by their own subordinates or their own failures. Sunderland had the backing of nearly every fort that had a representative in Farendar, ravens had been sent out the day before the coronation to every other fort. They would learn of this event and bend the knee in time and be wary for the war that brewed on each and every doorstep. Theodore couldn't help but grin as he paced in the large forge he had been given. Taken more like, but given authority to do so. The merchant had been paid off for the use of his forge area in return for his staff staying on hand for the more tedious part of Theodores project. The industrious dwarves had been quick to get him what he needed, some of the items already having been made for other projects. A wooden stock had been smoothed down, lacquered, and polished to a shine. A long hollow tube of steel had been commissioned originally for reasons unknown and Theo had taken it upon himself to use the same mold but with higher grade steel. The end result was still cooling off on a rack, thanks to the others in the forge and that saved him a tremendous amount of time. ([@shaggydoo0]) [color=82ca9d]"Master Stonequarry, was it?" [/color] Theo addressed the dwarf that was busy making the final tweaks to what he had explained to be some sort of holster for an energy core Marcus and himself had created from a kest queens acid and the core of a powerful storm elemental. The runes Theo had been shown were beyond even his years, a workmanship of dedication and careful planning, and Glodin had proven a fair hand at the art. Elongating the weapon had been difficult but there was confidence that the plans would work perfectly. After reviewing what the smith had in mind Theo had promptly agreed to the reasoning. [color=82ca9d]"The long barrel is done and I've made the needed inscribing. I would like to see this weapon finished before the party departs. I have faith in ye'." [/color] Theo pat the fellow on the back and moved on to other business on the forge. Argus Starcrusher ([@boomlover]) had followed the black clad man earlier, meeting up after the coronation which this dirty sap sucker had neglected to attend, and made some demands that had the old warboy both intrigued and outright upset. The hammer this one wielded was unique in that the rune on the hammer head blazed at an intensity that even his ebony plate and rune net would find difficult to deflect or even put a slow on. Darn thing burned bright and hot in moments and had been put to good use today, melting the required materials into workable molten steel. Kept your hands warm better than a forge, too! Problem was the damn idiot wanted another rune of some sort like the one he had now. Theodore had lived a long time and seen a great deal but creating runes was beyond him. He was better at etching them onto something than creating new ones. [color=82ca9d]"I'm sorry to say I canna' help you on the matter of a new rune or weapon. Time is a factor. But leaf through the booklet over there with Glodin. Sure as the stars shine that thing is well versed in the killing runes." [/color] One particular such rune had caught Theodores attention. Used in the right conjunction with that molten etching on the hammerhead you could cause a powerful shockwave and release the pent up head on the head of the weapon to cause a small but powerful explosion to detonate along the fissure lines if slammed into the ground. Hitting an enemy head on would likely cause a similar fiasco. Collateral damage would be an issue. A thin piece of steel had been inserted between the pages for the young dwarf to find when he got around to it. So far it was productive. So far he was just waiting on Kylie to make an appearance. ([@snarfulblast]) That little minx had been checkin' out the goods ever since they had crossed paths that fateful day at the bar. Theo could remember it like it was yesterday (and had convinced himself it had been days ago). Not that it mattered now, given that the time was drawing to a close. [color=82ca9d]"Alright lads, you stay steady. I've got an errand to run." [/color] He bowed to the gathered men and women in the forge and exited through the main entrance, to the gawking sight of every random passerby. Heavily armored and grey skinned he was a fascination, a rarity, and a colossal threat. The city guards had him on close watch in case another incident like the bar occurred. Not that Theodore ever had the bloody time to go lookin' for a decent fist fight with all the city reeling from the news. Mercenaries in black hunting the heir, the Covenant fighting to reclaim its former glory, the ascension of Knight-Commander Sunderland and the Royal family annointment that was likely to occur. Didn't these people have better things to do. Lost in his ramblings he bumped into someone in front of him, someone sturdy. ([@groompy]) [color=82ca9d]"Sorry friend. Didn't see ya there."[/color] Upon closer inspection of the obscuring form, it was clear that he had just stumbled into yet another dwarf. This one had a look of anger in his eyes, and a weapon to match that intensity. Not to mention the dirt and grit of a long road travelled. [color=82ca9d]"Covenant member eh? Listen up then cause I ain't got time. You lookin' to put that weapon to use for your order?"[/color] Theo arched an eyebrow. [color=1a7b30]"Aye. Been marching up and down this whole damn city trying to figure out what the hell is going on. But, now that I know, I suppose I could lend you hand."[/color] There was a tiny twinkle in the dwarf's eye, one of excitement. [color=82ca9d]"Good. Keep up. I got others to talk to today." [/color] Theodore and the other Dwarf he had just hailed cut a firm pace forward, they talked very briefly of the news of Sunderlands promotion. Apparently this Dwarf, Gavlan as he had named himself, was both uninterested in the politics of the city and yet inexplicably stuck here waiting for an assignment that would get him out of the shithole. As he had elegantly put it. They found their way to the barracks and Theodore asked him to take a seat or follow along. The announcement was going to be a quick one. Every young knight was in attendance by the time the word had spread. Theo had spent that time idly chatting with Gavlan about events in the last few years and of his adventures, Theo opting out of recollecting his past just yet. After about an hour the ones he had requested had finally arrived. Blessedly.. [@Wraithblade6] [@LiverisGood] [@Zetsuko] [@LeoricAquila] [@snarfulblast] [@shaggydoo0] [@groompy] [@TheDarkTemplar] (Anyone else who wants to be here can be here) Theo banged a spiked mace on the stone wall behind him to get everyones attention, tossing the weapon to clatter aside as he placed hands on hips to address the crowd. "Ladies and Gentleman, my name is Theodore Doubleblade. Mercenary and current advisor to your Knight-Captain Evelyn Sunderland. You have been gathered here to address a new issue that has appeared. To the north, as we speak, the cultists of the Dead god Sar'Than have overtaken a fortress and risen an army from your dead. Children, women, elderly, nothing has been spared. Even the beasts of this land are shambling murder machines." Theodore marched forward to the crowd. [color=82ca9d]"I've been given permission by Knight-Commander Sunderland to lead a small task force north to infiltrate this base and slaughter those cowards the way they did our own. It's likely a suicide mission, I will not lie to ye', so this is strictly volunteers." [/color] Theodore raised his own clenched fist with a grim but intense stare. [color=82ca9d]"I go willingly for the order. Who else will fight with me?" [/color] Striding confidentally to the front, heaving a shiny battle axe over his arm, Gavlan joined Theo at the front. Wearing a slight smirk, he looked at the others with an expression of open invitation; something told Theo he had done stuff like this, before. [color=1a7b30]"I'll fight for ya'. Dwarves need to stick together in these trying times, and if no one else gets their arse up here, I'll still go with ya. Undead are just dead that don't know how dead they are and how dead they're about to be again."[/color] He wore a large smile, almost like he could already taste the carnage. Although, the fact he already had his hands gripping his axe was a little alarming. Theodore, at least, appreciated his enthusiasm, if not the strong smell of liquor that seemed to follow him. Theo put his hand on Gavlans back and gave a nod, thanking him silently for what could very well be his life. [color=82ca9d]"To those who volunteer. We leave tomorrow at mid day. The details will only be explained when we have left the city gates." [/color]