[centre][img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/426b/f/2016/064/a/2/yeahyoufeelme_by_fenixking13-d9tzalz.png[/img][/centre] [centre]Day 17 / Afternoon / LVL 16[/centre] [centre][]HP[]100%[color=00a651]//////////[/color][][/centre] Indominus dropped his offensive posture and stared at the masked man. Was he deaf or just dumb, to not realize this was going to be a fight like it or not. Scarlet had raised no opposition beyond a curse, to which he shot her a look that promised a smack in the mouth to her too, and turned his attention back to Reaper and the barking dog. Dom calmly grabbed the table and gently put it back into upright position. But did not motion for Smart to stop what he was doing. Instead, Dom kicked the table into reaper all over again and launched another violent flurry of punches forward, one such attack took Anubis in the face and sent the dog away, where it did not stand to retaliate. Pets did not attack in town. They barked and growled but that was about it. "A misunderstanding eh? I can believe the lass got hurt, that's pretty obvious," Dom threw an uppercut hoping to connect with Reapers chin but instead managed to clip the mask. Dom followed up the strike with a straight thrust. "But I cannot, will not, ignore what you may have done while she was asleep. Take off the mask and apologize or I'm kickin' your pretty face up and down this tavern."