[center][img]http://i517.photobucket.com/albums/u333/Saya_Hibiki/anime-girl_011-1-1.jpg[/img] [b]Izuki Goemon · 18 · Female[/b] Emperor[/center] [u]Appearance:[/u] [indent]Standing roughly 1.78 metres tall and weighing 75 kilos, Izuki is the very definition of a tomboy. Her long black hair is usually hidden inside a floppy beanie, or worn natural under a smaller beanie. Her eyes are a dark brown (IGNORE WHAT THE PICTURE HAS), and her shoulders are broad. She usually wears an all black ensemble, with a variety of tank tops or long sleeved shirts, slightly baggy jeans or cargo pants and sneakers or boots. She does sport the tribal tattoo on her right shoulder and arm, and also sports a pair of tiny tears at the outer corners of her eyes. Her knuckles also have letters on them. Her left fist reads "Kill" and her right reads "Maim". Over her hands she regularly wears driving gloves or her MMA gloves.[/indent] [u]Personality:[/u] [indent]If you could break down how Izuki works, she'd look something like this. On the surface is her tough, tomboy personality. She is tough and there's no doubt about it. She regularly scares the juniors just by [i]existing[/i], even some of the seniors. Her appearance puts many off of even talking to her, and outwardly she appears to like it that way. She talks tough, often swearing more than her age permits, but doesn't smoke or drink cause, well, she might be tough but she's certainly not [b]stupid[/b] and she'll most definitely punch you if you suggest that ever again. Go down a layer and you'll find a struggling student who seeks attention and companionship. This part of her is something she acknowledges when she's alone, and does little to change. She knows that the road she's walked down is one of little change, and it'd be extremely hard to break everyone's impression of her. Her studies, though not wobbly, are still less than what she expects of herself, but all the studying types run away when she approaches them to ask questions. It makes her feel unappreciated and part of her desperately fights to break the mold. Go down one more layer and you'll find the only daughter of the Goemon family, a prim and proper traditional Japanese family that expects their daughter to take over the family run figurine painting business when they retire. Izuki buries this part of her as much as she can, as she can't [i]imagine[/i] herself doing something so...[i]girly[/i], much less [i][b]creative[/b][/i]. Yet, a part of her yearns to be that girl. She's already proved to be very careful, honest and focused in the things she does, so painting a tiny wooden figure would be a breeze. But nope. Tomboy Izuki reigns supreme, and Friend!Izuki and Painter!Izuki are often ignored. Put all of this together and Izuki is a rather strange individual. A tomboy seeking companionship and lasting friendships, who is very good at crafting things with her hands yet is insistent that she'd rather beat face. An honest young lady, loyal to a fault, blunt but appreciable, and an actual nice person to be around regularly if you ignore her mock threats of violence.[/indent] [u]Background:[/u] [indent]Born into the Goemon family of figurine painters and makers, Izuki is the only daughter of Garo and Michiro Goemon. Thus making her the de facto heiress to the family business. Expectations of her were high from the get go, and all the fuss and attention and worry were too much for young her. As a result, growing up she'd regularly lash out against help, preferring to learn and make mistakes and do stuff on her own. She grew up this way, tough and scarred but also a strong, independent young lady who studied whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. Her parents nagged at her every step of the way, judging her life choices as she got her first tattoo, got into her first fight and earned her first hospitalisation. But she proved them wrong time and again. With exams right around the corner, she studied her hardest and though she didn't come up on top, she was in the top 25% of her class. Izuki proceeded to snub her nose at her parents by getting her second tattoos, the tears at her eyes, and then proceeded to study on what she wanted to do after high school. Shortly after graduating, she decided to major in Sports Sciences, with the full intention of becoming an actual MMA fighter, or at the very least a physical fitness coach. Her family's goal of her taking over the family business has sadly been shoved to the road side as she trains and prepares herself for her own future. One she's carved by herself.[/indent] [hider=Weapon] [center][img]http://fighterxfashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/punchtown-mma-gloves-chains.jpg[/img] Fists · Strike[/center][/hider] [hider=Persona] [center][img]http://overwatch.blizzplanet.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/torbjorn-character-page.png[/img] [b]Hephaestus[/b][/center] [u]Appearance:[/u] Hephaestus stands (in comparison to Izuki) at just about ten metres in height. The stocky, bearded blacksmith [b]Arcana:[/b] Emperor [b]Strength:[/b] Agi/Fire, Physical [b]Weakness:[/b] Bufu/Ice [b]History:[/b] Hephaestus is considered the blacksmith for the gods, having made many weapons and armour for the pantheon, as well as thrones for the deities and automaton guides. He is known for being a cripple, though this iteration of the blacksmith has surpassed most limitations of flesh. Born of Hera, he was blacksmith for many years before being thrown out of Olympus for trying to prevent Zeus from having his way with his mother. He fell for a day before landing on an island called Lemnos where he became a proper master blacksmith from training with the natives. He returned to Olympus after being made drunk by Dionysus, after getting his revenge from mom also rejecting him by making her a golden throne that didn't allow her to stand after she sat on it. 1. Agi 2. Cleave 3. Tarukaja 4. unlocked at first social link, upgraded at rank 6. 5. Unlocked second social link, upgraded at rank 7. 6. unlocked after having a rank 4 social link w/ someone, upgraded at rank 8. 7. unlocked after having a rank 4 social link w/ someone else, upgraded at rank 9. 8. Unlocked after rank 5 social link w someone, upgraded at rank 10. [/hider] Social Link Rankings [list] [*] [b]Fortune[/b] / [color=deepskyblue]Charon[/color] · Rank 1 [*] Arcana / Character Name · Rank 1-10 [*] Arcana / Character Name · Rank 1-10 [/list]