[@Zerofighter][@Letmehaveone2][@Ryouko][@GingerBoi123][@King Tai][@Carlsberg][@Xiphonic][@KatherinWinter] [color=ed1c24]"Hehehhmhmmm... ahahahaa...."[/color] Kiiros was starting to get giddy with his accomplishments so far. The other mutants may be smart enough to assume he had some kind of superiority complex, but they had absolutely no clue just how much of a [i][b]control freak[/b][/i] he was when he has power at his fingertips. He had all he needed for their totally-not-going-to-fail plan, but he knew he wanted more. Why control the cameras when you can have access to the entire facility? Ventilation, data files, devices, INTERNET CONNECTION! It was an endless stream of diabolical things he could do, he was practically trembling in excitement. [i][color=9e0b0f]'Okay, calm down you evil son of a bitch, you're on duty...... pffthehehe...'[/color][/i] With a quick skim through the floors video feed, he noticed one room that wasn't being monitored, room 21. That was definitely on his radar for things that need to be checked out as soon as possible. Though he knew there was no way he would be able to gain access to the entire facility just like that, he was fairly certain it may or may not prove helpful to have a little more control. The computer he was using didn't have very many tools to work with. [i][color=9e0b0f]'Must be specified for security purposes only. Which means they may have a central computer for the facility itself which I doubt I can access without my own computer back home. Sadly the most I can do with the time we have is try to bypass any further authorizations that may be asked of me.'[/color][/i] He most likely won't gain access to everything, but at least having already gained authorization to something in the system, it should be easier to recreate the key into something he can use to gain access to things other than what it was specified for. He opened up the terminal [i][color=9e0b0f]'Thank you advanced technology for being so dumb. Heheh.'[/color][/i] The guard was looming dangerously close to where he was located while he looked through the data history to find the authorization he put in for the cameras. He recreated the code to a changeable. It worked successfully. He quickly went to the video settings and changed the present feed to that of a previous date during the same time. Hopefully the guards in the security room upstairs just assumed the problem fixed itself. Meanwhile he could view the actual video feed from the monitors in the security room [i]he's[/i] in. Room 21 was going to be their first start since he some how couldn't gain access to turn it on. Either the camera in there is covered, they're hiding something important in there, or there isn't even a camera in there to begin with. With a view from the mutants in the lunch room it was time for them to get their asses moving. It was surprisingly easy to preform his power from that distance, then again they probably weren't all that far away. He [i]did[/i] just steal energy from that poor security guard after all. Luckily there weren't any guards in the lunch room to see him use his powers. It's not like the cameras could see it anyway with them on loop. Feeling no need to use morse code, a message in fire was summoned in front of the group. [color=f26522][b]"I have control of the cameras. I can't gain access to Room 21. That's your first lead."[/b][/color] He expects Veronica to take it from there. He'll help as best he can along the way but if Veronica wants to be leader, she's going to have to know just what it feels like to hold all that responsibility. [i][color=9e0b0f]'Now, to deal with Jen and that guard...'[/color][/i]