[center][img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/e240/f/2016/051/1/f/draxis_by_fenixking13-d9sjtxc.png[/img][/center] [@Liverisgood][@Zelosse][@groompy] [b][color=1A53FF]”That would simply put us in a place that opens us to attack. Sending envoys and messengers through what may already be enemy territory is foolhardy. We need to cut off the head of this snake. Though… this likely won’t result in a resounding victory if successful. We have a duty to uphold in protecting the people of this land and any other land. Sending out word that enemies may be at their borders, while trying to wade through these same enemies.”[/color][/b] Draxis spoke to Tabetha before addressing the matter of volunteers. He knew that this journey would be treacherous, but it would also prove to be the perfect mission or him and his team, granted they were specially hand-picked by Draxis to be able to confront any sort of danger in the defense of the kingdom. Draxis had met Theodore once before, but did not know who he was for sure, now he had a greater understanding for what the grey-skinned dwarf did. However, his opinion on the more brutish dwarf, Gavlan, was yet to be determined. The man seemed eager to thrust himself into danger and more than likely die as a cause of his foolhardiness. This didn’t bother Draxis as much as it would have, given that the dwarf had no ties to him personally, and Draxis felt as though any man, or woman, foolish enough to brandish their weapon in such a manner was likely the kind to insist on being in the middle of combat, rather than gathered around a table, talking of strategy. [b][color=1A53FF]”Myself, and my team will gladly forge a path to peace with you, brother. I am proud to be chosen to take care of such an important task. Please allow me to retire to my allies and inform them of our mission, surely we will need the time to prepare for what may be our last ride.”[/color][/b] He spoke as he bowed deeply to the grey-skinned dwarf. Draxis was unsure of the man’s rank, but knew that he wasn’t a mere mercenary, to have granted the title of Knight-Commander to his old friend was not something a mercenary could do. This lingered in his mind as he considered what he would need to do in order to rout the undead forces that worked their way across the land, considering that perhaps many of the beasts that once roved in warbands across the open plains, may have also become part of the horde of undead, the veritable sea of corpses preparing to pour over into the already chaotic nation.