Jeff smirked at Asa, enjoying the pointed banter. "The beauty I was born with Ace, the bruise... well that was mission related..." He left it at that and flashed Asa a look as if to remind him that now would not be the time to discuss it. It was good, Jeff thought, that he noticed it so easily; there would be no turning back now, his work would all be out in the open. After considering what he had already said, Jeff felt the need to add in "Don't worry, though. I covered my tracks as always." His smirk grew to a full crooked grin. Jeff had realized very early on in his travels to the mundane world that they relied heavily on electricity; they especially relied on it for security. It was very fortunate for Jeff, as there was little he could not do in terms of manipulating electricity. At times he wondered if he could end this entire war himself, though he knew how foolish that was. Besides that, he relied heavily on his Golden brother and sisters, in many ways his powers were incomplete without theirs. Glancing over Asa's shoulder, Jeff spotted Rayn and smiled. She seemed to be oddly still for being outside, as normally he would see her flowing with the wind; he smiled at the thought and returned his attention to those he was with. "The meeting tonight," Jeff stated with a serious expression, "We will discuss everything then. I have important information." Speaking with Asa, Jeff stared directly into his shades, he felt as though he could see the intensity of his golden eyes unimpeded. Very suddenly, Jeff's expression broke into a smile and he looked to Carter then back to Asa "So have you had as productive a morning as we have?" Jeff gestured to Dahlia as he spoke, offering her a warm smile as he did so. Jeff was please with the way things were going, the way he got along with the others... for the most part. He wondered if perhaps that was why he held back in revealing his nighttime work for so long, he didn't want his delightful friends to become soldiers. He supposed, however, that was inevitable.