[@Meiyuki] 3.5 guidelines for races and stuff. Like Orcs don't hear the voices of Gruumsh in their head in 5e. Arcane Trickster doesn't sound too op. Also character sheets will be the standard type here. Name, age, class, race, description, biography. Stuff like that. Nothing too fancy. [@SillyGoy] Don't worry about that, again this only focuses on the role playing aspect of d&d, no dice rolls. When I put up the oc and you have questions, like class/race choices I will help you with that. [@ThePointyEnd] Thank you, you will not be disappointed I promise and if you do it wont be because of me. Or at least I hope not. Anyhow, when two more people say they are in I will put up the Oc. My goal is at the least 5 people, no less then that. However the amount of players may go over 5.... How that goes I am not all that sure yet. Maybe two groups of adventurers I don't. Perhaps when I put up the oc I will take your opinions on the matter.