Whoa. Got a lot of interest (not much for specifics though). Forgive me for the mass ping. If you'd like what you've been pinged for, skip the upcoming paragraph, though I would enjoy some feedback. While I gathered a lot of interest and very little specifics, I took the time to think about how I would want the roleplay to turn out. In the hider below, I have a short summary containing such. I'm not too big on the idea because I'll be attempting to harmonize two different ideas. It'll feel more like a tug-o-war, but I am always willing to try it if this takes to anyone's liking. (And two minor notes after all of that.) [hider=click me!] [i]The following is willing to be scraped or altered[/i]. The GM has decided and thought about trying the hybrid mix of slice-of-life and adventure. The scream of "abomination" is just around the corner because... Seriously, this is means that half of the roleplay is probably playing slice-of-life and the other half is playing adventure. There is a sense of freedom (whoo!) in this concept, but there is also the chance that only 2 people are doing one thing and another 26 are doing another. (Note: there probably won't ever be a total of 28 players in the game. I hope.) However, whatever side of the roleplay people wish to play is not in the GM's hand. You do you, or rather, you do your characters. During anytime in the roleplay, you can choose to switch over from slice-of-life to adventure, or adventure to slice-of-life. Since everyone is still in the same world and universe, these lives between civilians and adventurers will crossover eventually. This is what I would be excited to see. You will not have to declare what side of the role-play you're taking. You're just gonna do it. You don't even have to tell anyone that you're switching gears. No need to declare "I'm only here for the adventure!" because your character should be doing that already. I would like this concept to appear seamless. This means that I will have something set up to initiate adventure. Pre-written legends and myths, artifacts and more for characters to discover as a team or on their own (preferably a team though). This will be an ultimate secret to the world that can be discovered through doing these adventures (one that may be obvious to the reader, but let's keep that hidden from the characters). Adventuring characters are free to take breaks, as explained above, for no one is locked into roleplaying a certain way here. The adventure portion of the world will cross over anyone in the slice-of-life portion without a doubt due to the places that will need exploration. Slice-of-life will already have some places set and ready to go for roleplaying at. While some places may be required to visit by adventurers, people who are using characters for slice-of-life could just be hanging out there or be there by their own means. This also means I'll allow people to build/make their own locations. Feel free to contribute! Do run the idea by the GM before implementing and using this special location. [i]Note: Your character's house isn't included unless they built their own castle. Places that may be worth noting is popular businesses, shrines and temples, hangouts for groups or gangs, etc.[/i]. [hr] Insert minor GM realization: "Okay, but if this world is working so well... What's the government like?" A part of me prays that there is no structured government until players bring in-game roleplay out of control. Then... then just maybe... (A personal GM note: I've never really tapped into government and politics of a world. Shame on me.) Furthermore, people are probably frightened by walls of text still... (Did... Did anyone even fully read this?) I'm gonna have to find a lot of pictures to break this monotone white up. (Or just use a ton of pretty colors. Players like pictures and colors, right... ?) [/hider] [@SillyGoy] [@anora] [@Meiyuki] [@minette] [@Aerandir] -- Thank you for showing your interest! I am still open to hearing what people would like in the roleplay. If any of you have any specific preferences, I am still open to hearing such. Juggling between one roleplay and college, I would like to have a main thread up by Sunday or Saturday. If any of you would like to be pinged for such, just let me know! [@Rin] -- [s]secretively hopes for much touhou[/s]. Is there anything specifically you'd like to see? I probably can't promise world-wide danmaku, but I have been really hoping to include places that are similar to the Hakurei Shrine and Bamboo Forest of The Lost. Also, blending in far eastern cultures (though... Japanese myth is my strong point out of them all)... [@POOHEAD189] -- Wuxia sounds super cool, I'm not gonna lie. Would you still like to be pinged when I make the main thread for this roleplay then? If you don't, that's fine by me too. [@caliban22] -- I'm glad to hear that at the very least. If there is anything that you're really hoping for in this roleplay, do pass the idea on by. Also, would you still like to be pinged for the main thread when it is made? It is already if you do not.