[h2]The Undying Silence[/h2] With the lack of help forthcoming, it was inevitable that Maria would get exactly what she wanted sooner rather than later. Particularly after showing what a 'gentle' tap with the sword could do to the wrist of an unconscious security guard. The researcher had caved and handed over the password, with the knight now displaying what could be termed a surprising level of familiarity with navigating a computer. Unlike so many movies, the Undying Silence had both lived through the intervening years and not become a luddite. Particularly because technology might finally be able to solve the answer to her queries--especially if this formula helped. It was several steps back from the current serum, with warnings about uncontrollable, painful regeneration. In short: ideal for her purposes. [i]Make some. Fill a briefcase.[/i] Another note. Another waiting game until she got what she wanted.