James sat with a grunt on a large root. It seemed that the farther in they went the larger the trees grew. Wordlessly, he unlaced one of his boots and shook it upside down vigorously, watching with a strange mixture of pleasure and annoyance as a small pebble fell out. He was pleased because he finally had the time to get the damned thing out, he was annoyed because he had been walking with the tiny stone his boot for the past hour or so and he could feel the beginning of a blister forming. It was always a mystery how stones managed to find their way into boots, James halfway suspected that they were sentient little tricksters that snuck into your shoes when you least expected it. Of course that would be ridiculous.... James was momentarily snapped out of his contemplations of pebbles and their possible malevolence by Peren's voice, who was mentioning something about not needing to draw his sword, and the worst thing they would face going forward being foxes. Somehow, James managed to turn the roaring laughter that he was about to release into a simple, sharp snort. Numerous biting retorts nearly flew from his mouth, but he managed to hold himself back, if just barely. For some reason he constantly found himself having to hold back when it came to the high elf, probably because he was a merchant, and mercenaries, even ex ones, and merchants had a somewhat...strained relationship. At least where James was from they did. He had dealt with enough merchants to notice a pattern amongst them; cocky little cowards who thought that just because they paid for your protection that they owned you, or were somehow better then you. Maybe it wasn't fair to lump Paran in with every other merchant James had been forced to protect, but right now James couldn't be bothered to be fair. For a moment James considered lobbing the small pebble at the back of the high elf's head, but he decided against it and dropped it on the ground instead. He replaced his boot but stayed where he was for a moment, his eyes scanning the horizon for how much daylight they had left. He wondered if they would cross into the Dark Forest today, or if they would make camp here. His eyes worked over their current location as he considered how defensible it would be, how many resources they had nearby, what kind of shelter they could throw up and how quickly. It was an old habit, studying each area carefully for its viability as a camp. When you spent as much time on the road as a mercenary tended too you learned what to look for. But the call for whether or not they stayed or moved on wasn't his, and personally, James was ready to get a move on. It had been surprisingly easy for James to get back in the swing of travel. Though he was more accustomed to roads, traveling through the trees wasn't that bad. Of course, the closer they got to the Dark Forest the more weary James became. He wasn't scared of the Dark Forest, but only an idiot would get close to a place like that without caution. He had heard the stories that superstitious farmers liked to grumble to each other. Most were absurd, tales of 'I know a guy who knew a guy whose cousin knew a guy.' But hidden among the small mindedness and superstition was likely a grain of truth, and if even that much was true then the Forest was a place to stay aware.