The Chronicles of Dosei: Sands of Blood A Dungeons and Dragons Tale by EWillden - There are somethings in the world better left forgotten, better left beneath the sands for eternity. This is true with most objects hidden within the world. In the wrong hands they could destroy the world or unleash nightmares you only read in books read to you by your parents.- There is a city on the sands right on the coast called Saphire, this city is one of many but is the largest. Some claim it is the countries capital ,but it does not hold its keep. It is only the largest do to the fact it holds a port to which it uses to trade with the rest of the world. There are many tailors, blacksmiths, alchemy, and of course a few magic shops as well. All magic shops have connections with the great wizards tower that made its home in the city. Run by the Mages Guild. Some are at aw of its immense size while others are completely terrified. A superstitious lot that believe perhaps the mages delve in the dark arts here and there. Only rumors though however it hasn't stopped a few inquisitions by the Order of Pelor. The other stores are privately owned and there is no telling if a guild runs them or not. The people within the city are all dressed in the typical attire of a middle eastern civilization. The guards dressed in similar fashion only that their silk is sown into the armor they wear. Their swords a mix match of flalchions and scimitars. However, humans are not the only race that live here. A few halflings, maybe a dwarf or two and other races live within as well. However, not all races are entirely welcome, orcs being a popular hated species in the land. Like anywhere else in the realm orcs live in the deserts as well. Like every other orc tribe the pillage and burn small villages in the country. The lizardfolk that live in the desert are also unwelcomed, the tribes are not overly violent except against those that en crouch on their homeland. What makes them so hated is that they are ugly and quite fearful in the eyes of the people that live there. The final species on the hate list is another common race that is hated all over the globe, the drow elves of the underdark. Due to their horrific crimes on the surface it has painted enough of a picture to give people a need to hate them. What makes it more dangerous for them to enter the city is that they would be put to death on sight compared to the other hated races. This did not stop one from entering the city though. She put on a clever disguise though using her magic to create a illusion to those around her. Covering herself with the many silks in the land she came in disguised as a regular elf. Her being a sorceror disguising herself wasn't too hard. Through her eyes she was still the dark elf everyone feared and hated, in their veiw though she was a white surface elf with golden hair and blue eyes. A smirk formed on her face as she looked the fools as they walked around her bowing their heads. If only they knew who they showing courtesy to. Then again it would only mean her death if they found out. Before she could ever reveal her true self, she would have to make a name for herself. That would take some time and money as well. Trusts would have to be made between people here. She carried with her a scythe, it was a charcoal black with little shine except that provided by the sun. It had little jewels except one. A large amethyst towards the top. The scythe was actually forged around its shape. Vivian took small glances around her as she moved through the crowds. Every so often some vendor would come to her trying to sell her his junk. Vases and pots mostly, she was not interested at all in them. Their design wasn't all that appealing. Event their concept of jewelry wasn't all that exciting. There were a few that did catch her eye though. However, she had to avoid such pleasantries, only because she could not fully try them on to see if she looks good with them because she would have to remove her illusion spell. She couldn't do that,.... not yet. She sighed as the heat was starting to get to her. She could not understand why the people wore so much silk around their bodies. It only made it even more hot in her opinion. I suppose its the sweat and the air hitting it that keeps them cool. The sun never agreed with the skin of a drow elf. It always seemed to burn so much more brighter. It was even worse being located in a desert. She took notice of a tavern door and decided it was best she wonder inside. What she found was a few drunks and others who just wanted to be left alone. She looked to a board on the wall next to the door and saw that there were job postings. Some of them were poor tastes... especially for her. The tavern was even looking for a spot involving cleaning their toilets. No she did not escape the dark horrors in the underdark and the deadly gazes of her mother to clean toilets.... Then she saw it. "....The Mages Guild asks for brave souls to embark on a adventure to obtain a sacred artifact, A silver chalice long lost. A representative is sitting at a table in the back to the far right. He will explain details of this quest to those willing to see it through." She turned heard and saw the table. There was some old man there. He looked frail and weak. Her eyes narrowed as she studied the man. Looks could be deceiving though,... she began to walk closer and noticed a staff leaning against his chair. That explains things,... he is a mage possibly a member of the guild. She walked ever closer and sat down at the round table. "Well you got...." She was about to say but she was interrupted by the man raising a hand. "Silence,... the others are not here yet." He said. She rose a brow and leaned back in her chair. Others?.... what others.