[@Grim327],[@Classpet],[@smarty0114],[@Nallore],[@SouffleGirl123],[@NightOwl], [@gowia], [@Ghost Shadow]... Hey everyone..! Just letting you know that if you head across to the 'Quest List' and scroll down a little, you will now find a new section labeled 'Event List'..! This is where I will be posting up each event that comes through the camp; and before you all ask why I'm letting you all know about this right now, well, it's because there is already an event there that will be coming into play as soon as the first quest is finished with, and all campers are back at Half-Blood..! I ask that you all have a little look at it- read it through, get excited; but more importantly... shoot me a message here in the OOC with the names of your character or characters that you want to participate..! Personally; I'd love to see them all get thrown into the game- I know that all five of my girls will be taking part. Heheh. So let me know what you think guys- and if [i]you[/i] have any ideas for quests or events that you think will be fun; don't be afraid to shoot me a message. :D [hr][hr] Also, Gowia, don't worry; we haven't forgotten about you or your character, I promise- our Chiron has been a little bit busy in real life at this moment in time, and I always try to promote the ruling of "real life comes first". I thank you for being patient, and we will get you a response as soon as we can. :'3