Awakening was sudden, and in the moments upon awakening, she simply breathed and gathered her senses. Memory felt like a dream she'd just departed, almost on the edge of her mind but eluding her grasp. She realized first and foremost that she didn't know where she was. She understood her surroundings on a deeper level. A computerized warning appeared on the HUD before her eyes, that her stasis pod door was experiencing a failure. Instinctively, she reached with her left hand and pressed on a panel, which slid into the machine with a hiss. Within was a manual toggle, a simple red emergency level that she pulled. She heard the door disengage, and pushed with both hands to force the door open. She noted that she had no feeling in her right arm from her fingers to her elbow, but she couldn't see the appendage because of her suit. Now freed, she examined her HUD, noting the low atmosphere reading. What occurred to her next was frustration that whomever was supposed to be monitoring the ship had not been maintaining it properly, then that she wasn't certain who was supposed to be monitoring the ship... and, as a tertiary thought, she wasn't certain what her duties were, much less her own identity. Her mind produced no family to speak of. No world to miss. She was blank. Past-less. Future-less... Nameless. Nameless didn't revel in the realization long, instead pushing off gently from her standing position to float, then kicking off rapidly from the back of her stasis pod like a swimmer propelling herself from the pool's edge. She needed to get to the bridge, to work toward atmospheric stabilization, and her identity wasn't significant toward that goal. Nameless navigated in the fashion of a swimmer down the halls, instinct leading her way, not even giving in to wondering why she knew the way. She knew it, some part of her did, and that was what was leading her. She entered the bridge in time to observe four other crewman, and to hear their unanimous question of, “Who are you?” She deactivated her HUD in a moment, greeted with a smear of blood that obscured her visor. She wiped it away with her left had, noting immediately that they were all similarly dressed. That told her two things immediately: (1) they were a part of the same crew, suffering the same memory loss, and (2) no one was an immediate threat to her. She reactivated the HUD with that realization made, immediately speaking into the comms, [b]“That's a problem for med bay. We need to get this can breathable. It's the only item on my bucket list right now.”[/b]