[h2][color=yellow]Dio[/color][/h2] Dio nodded in return to Kriisa, the Imperials now pacified to his presence there. Shortly after another walked in, a Khajit. Dio was somewhat surprised, as it seemed from the letter she handed to the guard contained some detail about a romantic relationship with the Dragonborn. Dio had always known that the men of the other provinces had a proclivity towards beast women,considering such literature as the [i]Lusty Argonian Maid [/i]but it was his understanding that such desires were rarely ever made public knowledge. A man of the Dragonborn's level of fame likely had many options in regards to feminine companionship. There must have been something especially peculiar about this particular Khajit woman, Dio thought to himself as he looked her up and down. Overall Dio was pleased. While the Imperials in the room doubted the ability of this small band to achieve their aim, Dio was confident. When strentgh and power were found to be wanting, treachery can always be supplanted in its place, and by the looks of most of his soon to be companions, treachery was in high supply between them.Dio gave out a hearty laugh as he followed Tacitus out of the chamber. [color=yellow]"This shall be a crusade most glorious Imperial".[/color] Dio was without a mount, having foot slogged his way across the country after parting ways with his Orc brother Stryke. He cared not to continue in such a way, and if the Legion was giving away free horses, he would be happy to oblige their offer.