A red light slowly woke him from a chemically-induced slumber. Flashing on and off, that ominous looking red light was the only thing that allowed him to see. He was in a pod of some kind, a window on the front of it.Opened up into some kind of larger room, it looked like. He pushed on the door. Nothing. He braced himself against the padded back of the cell, kicking the door with all his might. All he got for his efforts was a shooting pain in his legs. [color=92278f]"Ow... So that doesn't work."[/color] He muttered to himself, placing both his hands against the window. He paused as he saw that his left hand wasn't his own, a fascimile made of wires and steel. It responded like his own though, and seemed to offer a bit of sensory input. Not that that helped him now, stuck in what might as well be a coffin. A thought bubbled up from his subconscious, that glass wouldn't break with any force he applied to it, it was no use trying to break it. Sinking against the padded back wall, he sighed and lowered his head. [color=92278f]"I'm gonna die here. I don't know where I am,"[/color] He muttered, putting his head in his hands, [color=92278f]"or what happened, or even who I am. And now I'm going to die. All because this stupid door won't just [b]open[/b]!"[/color] And with that, he heard a click and a hiss at the same time he felt a surge of pressure in his temple. He looked up in amazement as the red light went out and the door hissed open. Only now, upon his moment of freedom did he notice the panel labeled 'emergency release'. [color=92278f]"... I'm an idiot. But whatever I did worked."[/color] He muttered to himself, pushing out of the sleeping pod and into the low gravity of the ship. Now, outside of the red light he saw something on his visor. Reaching up to wipe it away, he paused when he realized it was blood. He didn't know how fresh, or where from... But it was blood. [color=92278f]"Okay... Another problem."[/color] He said to himself, navigating the hallways. He passed by a sleeping computer terminal and felt the same pressure in his head again, a single message flashing before his eyes. [b]LIFE SUPPORT FAILING. ATMO LOW. PLEASE PROCEED TO ESCAPE PODS.[/b] [color=92278f]"Wait, what happened to atmo?"[/color] He asked himself, not bothering to wonder why that message had beamed itself to his brain. He took off down the hall, the bridge would have more information. He didn't know where the bridge was, but his body somehow did. Navigating the corridors with relative ease, he soon arrived at the bridge, entering at the same time as a group of others, apparently. After the confusion of seeing other living people was set aside, the one with turquoise patches on her suit began to speak. [b]“That's a problem for med bay. We need to get this can breathable. It's the only item on my bucket list right now.”[/b] Some part of him took offense to the use of the word 'can', but he brushed it off. [color=92278f]"No kidding, we've got maybe a few hours before we all kick it. Engineering would probably be where life support is, I'd imagine. Anyone see it on their way here?"[/color]