[center][img]http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h471/Norickamore/NSpictures/Image61_zps57dcaaed.png[/img] Taro Mori · 20 · Male Tower Arcana [/center] [u]Appearance:[/u] Taro stands about six foot two and has an average, unathletic build and lighter skin of a man who spent more time indoors than getting involved with sports. His hair and eyes are brown, although if one were to deeply inspect the roots of his hair they would be able to tell that it was a dye job. Although he would never admit it, Taro does spend a gross amount of time every morning trying to make himself look appropriately disheveled and often goes through several wardrobe changes before finding a flattering outfit that he could claim he just “slapped together”. His fingernails are immaculate and his skin is smooth thanks to a nightly routine of creams, lotions, and moisturizers. When he talks his voice is fairly loud and his face is heavily animated; when he’s quiet the man always has a small smirk on his face as if he knows a secret or just thought of a rude joke. [u]Personality:[/u] Taro is an outgoing, upbeat loud-mouth who is on the surface both one of the friendliest and most irritating person you’d ever meet. On one hand, he goes out of his way to make more shy and anxious people feel welcome and recognized. On the other hand, Taro never learned how to “read the air” of a situation and almost never turns down his enthusiasm or excitement. As well, he’s generally used to being the center of attention and tends to clown around way too much, often to the point of being a distraction. Still, it is difficult for most people to stay in a slump when Taro is around. However, most people do not want to be around Taro after they get to know the man. He lacks the drive and the focus to accomplish anything that requires hard work or dedication. Instead, he tends to leapfrog between interests and hobbies on an almost weekly basis—as a side effect, he knows a little about everything and a lot about nothing. Worse still, he tries to convince his friends to follow him and uses guilt as a weapon if they do not bend to his whims. People tend to call him out for the manipulative, pushy bastard he is trying, and thankfully failing, to be. Still, it’s not that Taro enjoys manipulating or guilting people, he just unfortunately happens to be a control freak. He truly wants the best for everyone and for himself. However, in his mind the best has already happened in the past when everyone were kids who just screwed around, played games, and ate junk food while the future has him and others wasting away for the rest of their life as salarymen in some office building-shaped tomb. Deep down inside, what Taro really wants is for everything to stay the same—even if it ends up making him seem immature and petty. [u]Background:[/u] Taro’s the first born son of Haruki Mori, better known as the man who a quarter of the Commerce Sector paid their monthly lease to. Being the only son of some wealthy landlord isn’t all it’s cracked up to be—really, it’s better than what rich people let on, they just don’t want all of the poor folk to feel as bad as they should about not having trust funds. Taro spent a youth of being pampered and privileged thanks to his family name. Were you really going to be the restaurant that made Haruki’s heir wait, knowing that competitors were eagerly looking to buy up your lot? Were you really going to fail Taro because the stupid kid never studied when you knew that your brother who was already struggling to pay his rent on time? Nah, you were just going to smile and nod as the little snot nosed brat obliviously moved through the world under the assumption that people just must really like him. Of course, since Taro was so used to getting everything handed to him the man never felt the need to apply himself to anything. It sort of became a little bit of a problem come middle and high school where his family name had less and less of an influence. People stopped completely coddling him, but it didn’t change the fact that Taro barely tried. Didn’t understand algebra? Whatever, grades didn’t matter and girls only really liked guys who played sports. Terrible at baseball? It was a boring sport anyway. Plus, he knew they were dying to recruit him into the drama club. Couldn’t remember his lines? Whatever, drama was for dorks. Things started getting rough for Taro come graduation. His father insisted that Taro try to get into the University of Tokyo, but the boy didn’t even take the entrance examination (although to be fair, he wouldn’t have passed it anyway). Taro had lived in Kantou his whole life, and said he didn’t want to move away from all of his friends—even though most of them were going away for college anyway. He was accepted to Kantou University largely thanks to a healthy donation from his father, who was an alumnus, and began studying for his business degree just so he could be like ol’ dad. Of course, Taro didn’t take college seriously. He blew off more classes than he took, spending most of his time trying to fool around with girls, getting drunk at karaoke bars, playing video games, running with bad crowds, or just sleeping in his dorm. He switched majors after his first semester from business to journalism, and then from journalism to engineering before quickly switching back to journalism before finally settling on computer science at the end of his first year. His second year he moved off-campus, giving him even further reasons to not show up to class. Three-quarters through the year he changed his major once again, this time to music because of a crush he had on a singer he saw at the Blue Boulevard. At the start of his third year of college, Taro was barely ahead in credits of the incoming freshmen. He was in the process of changing his major once again when the letter came from his father, commanding him to stop screwing around and to take school seriously or he would cut the damn kid off. With that new weight hanging over his head, Taro finds himself becoming more and more terrified that the rest of his life will be spent working for his father’s real estate company until he is a withered old man. [hider=Weapon] [center][img]http://casiberia.com/img/prod/sh2152.jpg[/img] Spear· Pierce [/center] [/hider] [hider=Persona] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/HXL4mIx.jpg[/img] Bellerophon[/center] Arcana: Tower Strength: Zio Weakness: Garu History: Bellerophon was a Greek hero known largely for his ability to kill monsters of varying degrees of danger and for coming from a family of rather unfortunate fellows. His grandfather was Sisyphus, who was forced to push a boulder to the top of the hill only to watch it roll to the other side for all of eternity, and his father was Glaucus, who may have died by being eaten by his own horses. So, perhaps one could assume that Bellerophon felt that he was doing his brother a favor when he murdered him, since all of the men in his family ended up getting a pretty raw deal anyway—or maybe he was just jumping on the family killing bandwagon that was all of the rage in Greece those days. Regardless of why he did it, his punishment for fratricide was exile. Now it turns out that exile wasn’t so bad when you’re living it up in a cushy castle with some king who pardoned your crime, and things were looking up for old Bellerophon until the king’s wife started batting her eyelashes at him. Bellerophon, of course, was a hero (brother killing aside), so he did not go for it. The wife got mad, spun a few lies, and now the king wanted Bellerophon dead but he can’t kill him because the Greeks are real weird about murdering guests. So the king sent Bellerophon to another ruler with a letter to do the killing for him, but Bellerophon was such a fun person that the other ruler didn’t read the letter until the point where Bellerophon, once again, qualified as a guest. Instead of proceeding down some continuous loop where Bellerophon goes to another castle and avoids execution because he stayed the night and drank their wine forever, the ruler decided that he would indirectly kill Bellerophon by sending him to slay the Chimera. The Chimera was this giant monster with the head of a lion, a serpent for a tail, and the less-intimidating body of a goat, and taking it on in a fight was pretty much considered a suicide attempt because it breathed fire among many other horrible things. Of course, since everybody likes Bellerophon, he gets a hot tip that if he fought the Chimera from atop a winged horse he could actually best the beast. So, Bellerophon went, got Pegasus, and flew off to fight the Chimera—and the guy takes it out by jamming a giant block of lead down its throat that the Chimera melts with its own fire breath and dies via lead suffocation. Now the ruler was not too happy about this because he still needed to kill Bellerophon for that other king, so when Bellerophon returned he was sent on another quest. And another. And another. And another. And so on, until the ruler just shrugged his shoulders and married Bellerophon to his daughter because clearly the hero wasn’t going to die and he did kind of kill all of the big, bad monsters in the land. Now more or less a king, Bellerophon would live happily ever after in peace… ...if the man did not let his ego get to him. Since he had slain all of the big, bad monsters in the land, Bellerophon was constantly being told of how he was a great hero. Unfortunately, Bellerophon decided to one-up that statement. In his mind he was not a great hero, but a god. To prove this, Bellerophon mounted Pegasus once again and flew to Mount Olympus to live with the other gods. Zeus, seeing a mortal try to claim godhood, had a fly bite Pegasus so that the horse bucked Bellerophon off of its back. Bellerophon fell from the sky and landed, uncomfortably, in a thorn bush. Crippled by the landing and blinded by the thorns, Bellerophon spent the rest of his life as a miserable hermit until he died alone. 1. Single Shot - Deals light pierce damage to one foe. 2. Zio - Deals light electric damage to one foe. 3. Rakunda - Lowers one foe’s defense. [s]4. unlocked at first social link, upgraded at rank 6. 5. Unlocked second social link, upgraded at rank 7. 6. unlocked after having a rank 4 social link w/ someone, upgraded at rank 8. 7. unlocked after having a rank 4 social link w/ someone else, upgraded at rank 9. 8. Unlocked after rank 5 social link w someone, upgraded at rank 10.[/s] [/hider] Social Link Rankings [list] [*] Arcana / Character Name · Rank 1-10 [*] Arcana / Character Name · Rank 1-10 [*] Arcana / Character Name · Rank 1-10 [/list]